For loop not working...! :(

Could some one help me on this... For loop is working...!

for x in $i
for y in $j

z=`echo $y | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ "$x" = "$z" ]
FS=`/usr/bin/echo $y`
echo $FS >>$Basic_location/out.csv

CPRT="Cpoyright @ BTOIDCIM"

I will say what i am trying to get the output...!
I am searching for a specific mountmoint...?

don't say that can use this simple option df -k <mountpoint>
If the requred mountpoint is notmounted! then i will get the o/p for root mount point...!

Please some one help me....?

What are $i and $j,
Are there any arguments passed while running the script

Working of for loop depends on the shell. I think you are trying to run the for loop $i and $j times. If you use the k shell the loop will run only once. You need to try while loop or some other logic.

For expects static values or constants. This may not work. Try while or until.