Firefox do not starts from Panel

I am facing a problem related firefox and some other applications like DocumentViewer (evince). I can run the firefox from terminal by just giving command "firefox" but when I made its shortcut in panel and try to run through that panel shortcut , the mouse coursor just becomes busy for while and nothing happen. The same happens for evince . Where I can launch other aplications like eclipse, terminal, and system monitor from panel.

I am using RHEL5 on intel 32bit machine.
What I tried is :

  1. changing the command of the panel shortcut as "firefox %u" , no progress
  2. inserting the path "/usr/lib" into PATH variable , Firefox is installed in this path. but no progress


what is the output of this:

which firefox


Its firefox-
But the same problem is coming with latest firefox-3.5.2 , which I have extracted into my folder , and tried to run it from there.

You misunderstood. I asked you to run the command "which firefox"

which firefox is giving me /usr/bin/firefox

Then use that. Use the full path to create the shortcut.

yes sir, I have tried that , like :

1.Right click on firefox icon in the panel
2.Open launcher properties dialog.
3.In command edit box I typed /usr/bin/firefox
4.And closed the launcher properties window.
5.An then tried opening firefox from that icon.

but It just flashes terminal and nothing happens after that
sys. monitor also dont show instance of firefox .

What do you mean and close?

can you open a terminal and type:

/usr/bin/firefox &

have you looked at output from ps? Has this ever worked?

Please see the above reply edited.

The output of /usr/bin/firefox & on terminal is this :->

[root@mak_mailbox ~]# /usr/bin/firefox &
[1] 3471

No, the output from "ps aux" not from the command to launch How about killall firefox, then try to start again.

No instance of firefox remains in sys monitor , so no use of firing ps command after launcing from firefox icon from panel.

Also as I mentioned in start that, this seems to be generic problem in RHEL5 settings, as the same problem is coming for evince application.

i can email you the outputs of ps aux if you want..
avoiding pasting that here..
thanks for folowup.
I am avoiding to reinstall firefox and evince, so posting here.
thanks again for the followup ...