Finding standard deviation for all columns in a data file

Hi All,

I want someone to modify the below script from this forum so that it can be used for all columns in the file( instead of only printing column 3 mean and standard deviation values). I don't know how to loop around all the columns.
Calculating the Standard Deviation for a column

awk '{ lines=FNR; arr[lines]=$3; sum+=$3}      END{ avg=sum/lines      sum=0;      for(i=1; i<=lines; i++)       	{ v=arr-avg;       	  sum+= v*v       	}      printf("n=%d avg=%f  stddev=%f\n",             lines, avg, sqrt( sum/( lines - 1) ) ) } ' filename

Thanks a lot.


{ lines=FNR; arr[lines]=$3; sum+=$3}


for x=1 to nf { 
     lines++ ;
     arr[lines]=$x; sum+=$x ;


ie. Instead of forcing to use the third field, loop through the number of fields using the builtin variable NF. Note that lines is incremented for each value read in.

Hi Anantha,

I am getting syntax error after I modified the original script as below( by substituting your suggested portion of code).
Please correct the code so that it will run without any errors.

awk '{for x=1 to nf \
{lines++ ;arr[lines]=$x; sum+=$x ;}} \
END{ avg=sum/lines; sum=0; \    
 for(i=1; i<=lines; i++)  \
     	{ v=arr-avg;  sum+= v*v }\
 printf("n=%d avg=%f  stddev=%f\n",lines, avg, sqrt( sum/( lines - 1) ) ) } ' filename

Actually I posted the code so that you could try it out yourself.

What did you try? Post some test data and we will see.