Finding Overlap between two sets of data

Hi everyone,
I posted this earlier, but the idea changed since then and I figured it would make more sense if I repost with a clearer idea in hopes someone can help me out.

I have two lists of data in file1 and file 2

file1 (tab separated - column1 column2 column 3)
1 91625106 91626002
1 121185385 121187221
1 141477378 141481748
1 143786446 143787519
1 154452584 154453547
2 91639309 91640060
2 91644584 91645592
2 91653916 91655039
2 91660184 91661295
2 91669205 91670333

file2 (tab separated - column1 column2 column 3)
1 91625115 91626003
1 121185385 121187221
1 143785958 143787823
1 154452584 154453545
1 204875171 204876073
2 91639390 91640185
2 91653640 91654559
2 91660256 91660912
2 91669209 91669849
2 132727258 132728754

Column 2 and 3 from each file represents coordinates in a linear line (think of them as ordered pairs in a straight line). Column 1 is the reference point and when comparing columns 2 and 3, column 1 should be the same. My objective is to find pairs in file1 which DO NOT overlap with the ones in file2.

In this example, the output should represent the pair in file2 (this is the only one that doesn't overalap:

1 204875171 204876073

Someone posted this code but it doesn't do exactly what I had hoped (please see for yourself) but I think it's a good start:

awk '
        NR==FNR { col1[FNR]=$1; col2[FNR]=$2; col3[FNR]=$3; next }
        $1 == col1[FNR] && ( col2[FNR] > $2 || col3[FNR] > $3 )
' $1 $2

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