Find unique lines based off of bytes

Hello All,
I have two VERY large .csv files that I want to compare values based on substrings. If the lines are unique, then print the line.

For example, if I run a

diff file1.csv and file2.csv

I get results similar to


I want to compare the ids (string between "_" and ",") and if it's unique, then print the line so my output would be like the following:



I was thinking I could sue the cut command and delimit on the first "_" but didn't know how to compare all the values up until you reach the first comma.

Any suggestions?

Awk command will better, but you can try:

$ cat comp.txt 
$ sed 's/[+-]_\([^,]*,\).*/\1/' comp.txt | sort | uniq -u | grep  -f - comp.txt 



diff file[12].csv | awk -F '_|,' '{a[$2]=$0;b[$2]++}END{for(i in a)if(b==1)print a}'

it works! Thanks!

i think i may have found a flaw in this code. It seems as though if there is a space in any of the lines, it's ignored/thrown out, even if it's unique.

Can someone please help me?

This appears to work for the example text:

fgrep -v -f<(sed 's/^._\(id[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' < comp.txt  | sort | uniq -d) comp.txt


fgrep -v -f file input

lists lines from input where they don't match the lines in file (each line is a substring, obviously)


is a process substitution allowing another command to be used
instead of a file

sed 's/^._\(id[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/'

gives us the list of _idxx

uniq -d

lists duplicated lines (uniq lines are thrown away).

Does this work for you?
