find pattern, delete line with pattern and line above and line below

I have a file that will sometimes contain a pattern. The pattern is this:

FRM CHK 0000

I want to find any lines with this pattern, delete those lines, and also delete the line above and the line below.

nawk ' /FRM CHK 0000/ { getline;getline;RECORD="" } !/FRM CHK 0000/ { if ( RECORD != "" ) print RECORD; RECORD=$0 } END { if ( RECORD != "" ) print RECORD } ' file

awk '
/FRM CHK 0000/ { print last; print; x = 1; next }
        x == 1 { print; x = 0 }
               { last = $0 }
'  "$FILE"

pmm - we don't have nawk on our system. Thanks though.

cfajohnson- your script prints the lines I am looking for. I am looking to delete those lines (and print everything except those lines).

I got this from phv and it works good.

awk '
/FRM CHK 000000/{x="";getline;next}
{if(x)print x;x=$0}
END{if(x)print x}
' filename