find files older than and containing then tar.

I'm tring to:

find files recursively older than x days that contain dat or DAT then tar them

I can find the files older than 90 days containing dat with this:

find . -mtime +90 -type f -name "*dat*" -exec tar -cvvfp /some/path/some.tar {} \;

but how do I do it case insensitive?

find . -mtime +90 -type f -name "*dat*" and "*DAT*" -exec tar -cvvfp /some/path/some.tar {} \;

EDIT: Im using HP-UX so there is no "-iname" for the find command.

---------- Post updated at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:19 AM ----------

I found that this would not work anyway.. It creates a new tar file everytime it finds a file.

But I did figure out how to do it.

tar cvvfp /path/to/some.tar `find . -mtime +90 -type f | grep -i "dat"`

Sorry this is not much help. I always thought you could do something like:

find . \(-name '.txt' -o -name '.TXT'\) -print

But I've just tried it on my HP-UX and it gives:

find: bad option -o

man find
suggests -o is valid, though

expression -o expression Logical OR operator. True if either or
both of the expressions are true.

Good luck in finding your answer.

Try this:

find /* -mtime +90 -type f -name "*dat*" -or -name "*DAT*" - exec tar -cvvfp /some/path/some.tar {} \;

Works for me on RH

Seen my error! you can use this form of construct for your or clause if you wish. Have tested on HP-UX and it throws up my .txt and .TXT files

find . \( -name \.txt -o -name \.TXT \) -print
