Find Brocade SAN switch’s IP in Sun server?

We have a Sun M5000 connecting to a Brocade SAN switch. I don't know the IP of the Brocade switch and don't want to use its serial port to get the info. How can I find the IP of the Brocade switch under Solaris 10? Snoop is not supported by Solaris multipathing. What other tools can I use to find the info?

Thank you in advance.

what has "snoop" to do with "multipathing"?

check the /etc/hosts file. maybe the san-switch ips are in there... but the best chance IS the serial line, because the os has nothing to do with the ip management port of the switch.
you can "snoop" all ip-traffic and try all ips or check the arp table and try all ips... but this is (if you are in a big network) like searching for a needle in a haystack.

man arp

Maybe it's in your server's ARP cache.

Thanks for the reply.

The arp table is too big to search. It doesn't work. In addition, arp is for Ethernet. The Brocade switch is for the Fibre Channel network.

Solaris must listen to the HBA port. Is there a way to monitor the HBA card and port only?


the management for the san switch works over ethernet! as far as i know there is no inband management for san switches?!

You asked for an IP address. That's Ethernet.

As DukeNuke2 said, SAN switches tend to be managed via a standard Ethernet connection. I don't think I've ever seen one managed inband over FC, although I suppose it's possible.

No solution yet. There is no SNMP service here.

I've found its IP from one of my co-workers.
