Find and replace a string in a text file

Dear all,

I want to find all the "," in my text file and then replace the commas to a tab. I found a script online but I don't know how to modify the script for my case. Any one can help? Thank you.
@echo off &setlocal

set "search=%1"
set "replace=%2"
set "textfile=Input.txt"
set "newfile=Output.txt"
(for /f "delims=" %%i in (%textfile%) do (
    set "line=%%i"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "line=!line:%search%=%replace%!"
del %textfile%
rename %newfile%  %textfile%

That batch file will work only for the MS DOS family of operating systems. This is an Unix forum.

What's your operating system?

Please, post a representative portion of the file you want to use as input and an example of the desired output.

Fully seconding what Aia said, for your quite simple request, *nix has

tr ',' '\t' <input.txt >TMP && mv TMP input.txt