Filesystem in nfs

Do you know how to list the FS nfs from / etc / filesystems?
I am a newbie on AIX 5.3, thank you for your help.


Never on any Unix/Linux kind OS write spaces between the slashes that delimit directories and files when describing them. That could lead to irritations since in this case there are for sure no spaces between them.

/ etc / filesystems



To your question:

lsfs -v nfs

The AIX "grep" features a "-p" switch, displaying a matched "paragraph" (group of lines delimited by empty lines). This is, to my knowledge, the only grep which has this. If you have a look at "/etc/filesystems" it is in stanza format. Thus:

quick and dirty:

grep -p "nfs" /etc/filesystems

or, more elaborate (replace "<spc>" and "<tab>" with literal tabs/spaces):

grep -p 'type[<spc><tab>]*=[<spc><tab>]*nfs /etc/filesystems

I hope this helps.


thank you very much zaxxon & bakunin.

On the server in question

showmount -e

will show which file systems are exported from the server. You can add the name of a server after the command and it will query the remote nfs server.

grepping the filesystems will show what will happen at a reboo this will show what is the status now.