file searching...

Hi! i'm trying to do a script (i'm not an expert, as you will see...:o) to search files in a directory (and its subdirectories). I'd like to have something like this:

mysearch -a arg1 -b arg2 -c arg3 ecc...

I'd like to be able to search for files in different ways: for example, with

my search -n text* -u Eddie

i'd like to have all the files that begin with "text" owned by Eddie.
The options should be:
-n arg1 : search by name
-f arg2 : search by file dimension
-s arg3 : search by string
-d arg4 : search by date
-u arg5 : search by owner

I wrote these few lines (i'm not sure it's ok :o) to manage the options:

if [ $# = 0 ] ; then echo "Message A" ; fi ;
while getopts n:f:s:d:u: c
case $c in
n ) search_by_name ;;
f ) search_by_dim ;;
* ) echo "Message B"

search_by_name, search_by_dim etc. must be replaced with instructions that find files with a certain name etc.

My problem is how to combine the different options? That way i can search files by name or by string but i don't know how to search by name AND by string...:frowning: I don't know if it's clear...
I know it's a stupid question but as i said i'm not an expert :o
Any help would be really appreciated!

have a look at the man page for find.


find . -name "text*" -user eddie


then if you still want your own script, you should be able to build up the relevant find command from input.