file permission/acl: 2 users with write access on 1 file...


i need some help/advice on how to solve a particular problem.

these are the users:

|name      |  group        |
 ---------- ---------------
|boss      |  department1  |
|assistant |  department1  |
|employee  |  department1  |
|spy       |  department2  |

this is the hierarchy of my files:

|  name ( file_perms owner group ) |

dept1data ( rwxr-x--- boss department1 )
  |-----subdir1( boss department1 rwxr-x--- )
  |        |
  |     (jungle)
  |-----subdir2  ( boss department1 rwxr-x--- )
  |        |
  |     (jungle)
(many more)

basically only the boss can write or create files, the assistant and the employee can read, the spy has no access.

now i need to give the assistant write permissions on the subdir1 (and all of it's subdirs & files)

should i do this:
$ setfacl -R -m u:assistant:w subdir1

and should i do it everytime a file is created under subdir1?

is there a better solution to my problem?

PS: users access the directory from a windows pc, the samba server is debian 4.0r3 (acl enabled)