File formating help

Hi all,

I am having the file below

I need that as below


what have you tried so far and where exactly are you stuck?

I am able to get the position value by below command and not able to transform that to 1 and replace in file

cut -d, -f3 S2007080A.011317.0000043042.SUPP.CSVX

I've noticed there're a number of awk-based proposed solutions posted for your 336 posts.
Could you try something with awk and see how far you get, please!

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Able to extract the value using AWK but not able to replace that in the file

awk -F, '{print $3=1}' FSDS.CSVX

Below also not working

 awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=","}$3=="NOT APPLICABLE"{$3=1}{print}' file
 awk -F "|" '{ if ( $3 =="NOT APPLICABLE" ) print $1"|"$2"|"1"|$4' file

Files do not work that way. You can't write to the same file you're reading from. A few commands can pretend, but they're really using temp or whole-memory buffers files like everything else does:

awk ... filename > /tmp/$$
# BACK UP YOUR DATA before doing this!  One mistake and filename's contents are blown away
cat /tmp/$$ > filename
rm -f /tmp/$$

awk doesn't provide the facility to edit "in-place". redirect to a temp file and then mv .
Make sure you provide a correct field separator.

Thanks all.
Not sure what I am doing wrong . Nothing is happening no result

awk -F","  '{if ($3 =="NOT APPLICABLE") {print $1}}' file 

I am planning to make this as

awk -F","  '{if ($3 =="NOT APPLICABLE") {print $1|$2|"1"|$4}}' file

you cannot print like that. Try assigning the third field a new value and then print the whole record.

The text you are looking for is not NOT APPLICABLE , it is "NOT APPLICABLE"

May be easier as awk -F, -v OFS="," '/NOT APPLICABLE/ { print $1,$2,"1",$4 }' input

// is a regex search, which will find it within the quotes.

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exactly. Just figured that out and below is working . Escaped the quotes

awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} {if($3=="\"NOT APPLICABLE\""){print $1","$2","1","$4}}' AK >> tmp && mv tmp AK

I really hope that worked first try as if it didn't you just trashed your input data.

Coronna688, this will drop the quotes from the third field.

awk -F, '$3~/"NOT APPLICABLE"/{$3=qq 1 qq}1' qq='"' OFS=, myFile
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