File Compare and Create New File with Diff

guiguy, I just closed a duplicate thread and I see that vino had to edit your post to remove your email address. Please read the rules:

(4) Do not 'bump up' questions if they are not answered promptly. No duplicate or cross-posting and do not report a post where your goal is to get an answer more quickly.

(10) Don't post your email address and ask for an email reply. The forums are for the benefit of all, so all Q&A should take place in the forums.

As for your question, I copied your data into files which I named file_A and file_B. Then I tried:

$ comm -13 file_A file_B

The man page is clear that comm -13 is what you need. You were suppressing the wrong column. You tried:
comm -23
which was wrong. There are only two other ways to print a single column:
comm -13
comm -12

Why not try them before you give up?