
Hello everyone, I am new here so forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I am new to shell script and am trying to write a script to use with a program called ffmpeg . Would this be something I could get help with here?

 set /p VIDEO=Enter full name of video file on desktop:
md "%userprofile%\desktop\frames"
ffmpeg.exe -y -i "%userprofile%\desktop\%VIDEO%.mp4" -an -r 10 "%userprofile%\desktop\frames\img%%3d.jpg"

This allows you to paste the name of an mp4 file in the window and it will automatically make a folder and print out a frame by frame of the video in it. This was given to me and I added the little mp4 extension to it but that is as far as I can go. Would anyone here be able or willing to show me how to edit this further to do a few other things?

Thank you all for your time and help.

What operating system are you using?

What shell are you using?

The code you have shown us looks more like it was intended to be processed by a Windows command line interpreter than by a UNIX shell.

Hello yes it opens a windows promp I guess. Like I said this is not the kind of stuff I do and am trying to learn it. I went to google a search for forums on shell scripting and this forum popped up so I came here for help. Am I in the wrong place?

you are at a UNIX & Linux Forum!

Im sorry. I did knot know there was a difference in the code. As I said, I am brand new at this and this forum came up first. Please excuse the improper intrusion.

We actually have a Windows & DOS subforum but this isn't it. Moving thread.

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Awesome. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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The code that you posted above is not a shell script but a Batch File

You can search online for Batch file tutorials to learn more about it.