Feedback on "withsome" open source project

I have been developing an open source UNIX project for a few years and am looking for feedback on whether further development of the "withsome" project is of interest to other programmers.

One simple example to give an idea of the project is:

     withsome ./pugs vi
     1) ./pugs/lib/Inline/
     2) ./pugs/lib/Perl6/
     3) ./pugs/blib/lib/Inline/
     4) ./pugs/blib/lib/Perl6/
     5) ./pugs/inc/Module/Install/
     A) * All of the above
     Indicate your selection(s) from the above or 0 for none (default 1): 1 4
     (    giving 1 and 4 as inputs and pressing enter runs vi on:
              ./pugs/blib/lib/Perl6/                  )

The program sort of combines find, xargs and a select menu (but with multi-select). Fairly complete documentation may be found on the project GitHub home page GitHub - ronaldxs/withsome: withsome - with some file name run a command on matching nearby files. Again I am interested on feedback on whether readers think this is a useful new(ish) idea for CLI use, or have seen better existing solutions, or have other objections. If the project is seen to be of interest I would also be interested in other forums or sites where I could post questions about it.

The project goes back a few years, was developed with limited resources, and it is understood that some of the shell coding has room for improvement. Also the project started development before bash adoption of globstar (** globbing).

Many thanks to anyone with feedback ...