FCCU GNU/Linux Forensic Bootable CD 12.0 (Default branch)

FCCU GNU/Linux Forensic Bootable CD is a bootable CD based on Debian-live that contains a lot of tools suitable for computer forensic investigations, including bash scripts. Its main purpose is to create images of devices prior to analysis, and it is used by the Belgian Federal Computer Crime Unit. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
The CD is now based on the Debian Live Project. There is a graphical user interface by default (xfce4). A new graphical tool, GuyMager, is used for forensic copy. GuyMager supports Encase ewf images (through libewf), and it makes intelligent use of multi-core CPUs in a way that compressed copies will be done faster than uncompressed ones. A new low interaction honeypot, Amun, was added.
