fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

Trying to compile a C program recievin this
hello.c:1:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
gcc is installed on the system.

 echo $PATH
root@Sol11swtb01:/media/NO NAME/Programming/C/Testing# cd /usr/gcc/4.5/include/c++/4.5.2/tr1
root@Sol11swtb01:/usr/gcc/4.5/include/c++/4.5.2/tr1# ls
array                     complex.h                 ell_integral.tcc          legendre_function.tcc     riemann_zeta.tcc          unordered_map
bessel_function.tcc       cstdarg                   exp_integral.tcc          limits.h                  shared_ptr.h              unordered_map.h
beta_function.tcc         cstdbool                  fenv.h                    math.h                    special_function_util.h   unordered_set
ccomplex                  cstdint                   float.h                   memory                    stdarg.h                  unordered_set.h
cctype                    cstdio                    functional                modified_bessel_func.tcc  stdbool.h                 utility
cfenv                     cstdlib                   functional_hash.h         poly_hermite.tcc          stdint.h                  wchar.h
cfloat                    ctgmath                   gamma.tcc                 poly_laguerre.tcc         stdio.h                   wctype.h
cinttypes                 ctime                     hashtable_policy.h        random                    stdlib.h
climits                   ctype.h                   hashtable.h               random.h                  tgmath.h
cmath                     cwchar                    hypergeometric.tcc        random.tcc                tuple
complex                   cwctype                   inttypes.h                regex                     type_traits

I'm running Solaris 11 x64. This is also a fresh install which I only used pkg install slim_install, I then installed the gcc 4.5
using the GUI Package Manager.

You may have installed the compiler, but that's only one of many necessary things. Others include libraries and headers.

I'll move this to the Solaris forum, where people are more liable to know the exact names of things you're missing.

Ok I was missing the GNU Developement Tools for Solaris files. Found them and installed it. Everything is working now.:b:

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