Faster Line by Line String/Date Comparison of 2 Files


I was wondering if anyone knows a faster way to search and compare strings and dates from 2 files?
I'm currently using "for loop" but seems sluggish as i have to cycle through 10 directories with 10 files each containing thousands of lines.


-10 directories
-10 files (tab delimited)
-1 lookup file
-1 report file

Heres what i'm trying to achieve:

1. loop through the 10 dirs, with 10 files
2. for every line read from file
   a. get column 1 string and grep it from lookup file, write output to result file
   b. get column 3 date and store as vardate  
   c. for every line of result file from 2.a
      c.I get column 2 date as varstart
      c.II get column 3 date as varend
      c.III get column 7 as lastcol
      c.IV check if vardate from 2.b is between varstart and varend    
      c.V if vardate is between varstart and varend, write line from 2. + vartstart + varend  + lastcol to report file

Here is my straightforward solution so far, though its working fine, its not that elegant and fast:

for loop through the 10 dirs
   for loop through 10 files
      while read LINE of file
            grep column 1 from lookup file > result file
            vardate=column 3
            while read ROW of result file
               varstart=column 2
               varend=column 3
               lastcol=column 7
               if [[ varstart -le vardate && varend -ge vardate ]]
                  printf "LINE\tvarstart\tvarend\tlastcol\n" >> report file

I was trying to replace the if statement with the following (as i have learned through research, awk is much faster in line by line processing):

awk '{varstart=$2; varend=$3; lastcol=$7; getline;} varstart <= vardate && varend >= vardate {print l,varstart,varend,lastcol}' l=${LINE} vardate=column3 resultfile >> reportfile

But cant seem to get it to work properly. Plus, i was thinking if i can use awk as well on the parent while loop to be more efficient, but i have no idea anymore if its possible to use another awk, within an awk statement.

My goal is just to make this script work faster. Any suggestions or alternate approaches is well appreciated.

Thank you very much guys. :slight_smile:

How BIG your lookup file is?

Can you get the approx stats of line? How many thousands?

Also, tell us about the O/S and shell version.

Hi clx, thanks for the interest and apologies for the late reply.
I'm using HP-UX, /bin/ksh.

For the files, we're averaging 300,000 lines per file, * 10 files (gzipped), * 10 dirs, so the need for faster processing.

My lookup file is an isql output, and is around 30,000 records.

I'm currently developing/testing an alternative, wherein instead of embedding another while loop inside a while loop, I will have just 1, and sequentially do the following:

  1. while loop to match the records from file against the lookup.
    a. for every matched record, output the records from file + records from lookup to a result file.

  2. use the awk script to check the vardate if between varstart/varend. (much easier since awk will only be accessing 1 file)

But then again, other faster alternatives are welcome. :slight_smile:


Try ..

 awk 'NR==FNR {r[$1]=$0;d_start[$1]=$2;d_end[$1]=$3;last_col[$1]=$7;next} ($1 in r) && d_start[$1] <= $3 && d_end[$1] >= $3 { print $0, d_start[$1], d_end[$1], last_col[$1]}' lookup_file *.files

I used multiple array which could be avoided. but since your look-up file is not so-big, its worth trying.

I see you files are not at one place, those needs to be found.

find /parent/path -type f | xargs awk 'NR==FNR {r[$1]=$0;d_start[$1]=$2;d_end[$1]=$3;last_col[$1]=$7;next} ($1 in r) && d_start[$1] <= $3 && d_end[$1] >= $3 { print $0, d_start[$1], d_end[$1], last_col[$1]}' lookup_file

I don't have a real system with me so can't test the performance on BIG files.

However, There could be surely other more efficient ways which might come-up soon.

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Hi clx, thank you very much for taking your time with this. :slight_smile:

I have as well developed similar awk codes to what you have. Posting it as it might help others as well:

for files in dirs
      ###search records from file using column 1 from records in lookup_file and store to temp file (normal join)
      awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0} NR>FNR && ($1 in a){ print $0,a[$1] } ' lookup_file files > tempfile
      ###compare the lookupdate (column 3 from the file) from start/end date (column 2 and 3 of lookup file) and write to report
      awk '{lookup=$3; start=$9; end=$10; getline;} start <= lookup && end >= lookup {print $0}' tempfile >> reportfile

What the code does is to join records from the file to the matching records from the lookup.
So columns 2/3 from the lookup is now column 9/10 of the joined file. And since all the dates that i needed are already in 1 file, it was easier for awk to compare them. :slight_smile: (I took away the adding of the last column as well since it was already available upon joining the records)

This took away a big chunk of code from my script and was able to breeze through 30 million lines in around 10 minutes, which is already tolerable.

Again, thanks!

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