failed ssh login with keys

Hi all,

i have generated a pair of keys so that i can login via SSH without entering my password.

I am using putty to login. After putting the public key on the server,then logging through putty, i get the message "Server refused our key" on screen. At the same time, /var/log/secure is showing "Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys".
Any advise? The permission for the directory /user is "drwx------". The permission for .ssh is "drwxrwxr-x". The permission for the file authorized_keys is "-rw-rw-r--"

What am i missing out? Do i have to configure SSH to allow log in using keys?

chmod 700 the .ssh directory, authorized_keys file and the private key file.

Also confirm you are not mixing OpenSSH keys with SSH2, you have to do a conversion between the two and they have different configuration.

Hi BG_JrAdmin, porter

thanks for the tips. After changing the permissions and doing the conversion, it worked.