extract string from file name between two underscores


Here is my question,

I need to extract string between two underscores from the filename

for example, filename is


what I want to extract is 300x300.

There are many such files in my directory, so I guess the code should be like:

for file in *1_12;do
NAME= commend to extract string from($file)


one way:

for fname in *1_12
  tmp=$(echo "$fname" | awk -F '_' '{print $4}' )
  echo $newfname

Thanks. Could you explain a little bit about this line

tmp=$(echo "$fname" | awk -F '_' '{print $4}' )

awk parses the filename - it uses the underscore character to separate fields. A few shells can also do this, like bash. Field $4 is the one you want, so awk prints the the $4 field. $[field number] is the awk syntax for each field in a file - the default field separator is tab/space. The -F '_' tells awk to use underscore.

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Yet another way of doing the same thing...

echo "atmos_8xdaily_instant_300x300_1_12.nc" | sed 's/.*_\([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*\)_.*/\1/'
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could you also explain a little bit about this line? Thanks!

The sed command looks at a line and filters out only the part that has this pattern "(number)x(number)" punctuated by underscores. So in this pattern


the regex "." is the entire line to the left of the first 300 as is the "." to the right of the second 300. The [0-9][0-9]* filters out only numbers and the "x" and "_" are taken literally...

Probably the simplest solution is

cut -d_ -f4
