Extract Specific Information from a particular field


I am trying to extract a specific information from a file which contains more than 200 million records. Attached the input file for your reference.

My file contains information below


I need to extract only CSP information which is highlighted in green color above.

Currently I am extracting by using Grep individual CSP value and then appending into a single file, which is taking more time and also required more manual exercise.

Would need your help to get simple script without much manual process.



You could try:

while IFS='&' read line a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
do	print $o

Hope this helps

Hi Sea,

Thanks for youre quick reply, however the issue is that, position of CSP is not fixed, it varies depending on other informations. I need something to identify position of CSP then extract CSP information till next "&".


while IFS='&' read line
do	PRINT_NEXT=false
	ARGS=($(echo $line))
	for a in ${ARGS[@]};do
		[ $a = CSP ] && print ${ARGS[$C]} && break

If thats neither, please provide your grep code.

For each line print the first CSP after a & up to the end of the field

sed -n 's/.*&\(CSP[^&]*\).*/\1/p' 1x.txt