exporting a directory

How do I export a directory ?

I am trying to link the directory from another machine.

It matters what your OS and the version are.

See the man page on one of these if you have it. The man page should give you the file to edit to make it permanent.

SUN 4.x, RedHat 6.2, and HPUX: exportfs - maintain list of NFS exported file systems
Solaris: share - make local resource available for mounting by remote systems

Well, it is possible to use exportfs under Solaris8 on an UltraSPARC, I just did :slight_smile:

But the syntax seems totally different, the manpage states that exportfs is the BSD compatibility package for share ..

exportfs -a invokes shareall

So, if some of this is to go in some script, I guess exportfs can do it, even under Solaris.
