export PS1='"\[\033[1;34m\]\T \d | System_Analyst.\[\033[0m\]'

Dear All,
I have a problem with export. I would like to show a prompt on my shell but as I receive the export environment variable pointer it is the string.
Like it is shown in the Title of this message
How I can get the result of that command after execution in a string I mean I would like to know if there is any system call or function which can return me the value in a string after execution of that string.


You don't have closed double quotes in what you show...

echo $PS1

will show you what PS1 currently is.

char *t=getenv("PS1");

It gets the entry of environment variable and displays it. But I would like to have the execution result of that string.

The export command you show is wrong. That is why you do not get an effect.
You have an extra " character at the beginning.

That is a type mistake sir/mam. I am just getting the string stored over there.

Let me put it another way

export PS1="HI there>"

Does that change your prompt to HI there> ?
If so, then start adding your escape codes. Plus, you can usually only use ANSI escape sequences. If your terminal is in VT100 emulation mode those esc[1< >m sequences will not necessarily bold/unbold the text in your prompt.

Thank You
Could you please clarify me more about the terminal types.
and if I am getting it as a string then how I can get the result of that like the colors.

I am getting the environment variable in a pointer to character and getenv is returning me that. So how it will be executed I mean how each time it is checked.