Export Display Through Telnet & Xming

HP-UX B.11.00 A 9000/785 (ta)

I am trying to export a display using Xming & and Telnet (not SSH) but when I try..

$ export DISPLAY
$ xclock

and get..

Xlib: connection to "" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Error: Can't open display:

Is this even possible, if so any suggestions ?? I am sure I am missing something.

Thanks !!

I am also having same pbm..
Can anyone help


Have you tried "xhost +<your-ip-address>" from a host that can talk to the display inorder to allow you to connect?

The "trick" with Xming is to FIRST start it via the XLaunch (icon or command), NOT the Xming command/icon. That's because XLaunch allows you to check "No Access Control" which tells Xming to allow other IP's in. Starting Xming with the Xming command, causes the default "only allow in local host" mode.
I was confused by this and first started Xming via "Xming" and didn't understand the role of XLaunch.

Denpiks' trick helped me to sort the Xming issue. Thanks Denpik.