Explanation reqd for the Unix file


I have a unix file with the following contents

  cd /ct/mr/prod/bin
 ncm_AdjCob.pl  -a /ct/mr/prod/wg/applog_AdjDev.log 
  -c /ct/mr/prod/lib/config/bcmp_AdjDevCob.conf 
  -s /ct/mr/prod/log/syslog

can anyone explain what it says.
particularly -a ,-c , -s

thanks in advance


It rather depends on what

cat $(which ncm_AdjCob.pl)


you mean to say after ncm_AdjCob.pl are the arguments for the perl file

yes, I'd assume so

This depends on "ncm_AdjCob.pl" which is another [ perl script ] called by shell.
-a might be to append logs to some file.
-c to use some config file or so

open "ncm_AdjCob.pl" and try to understand what it says. or check for its comments/description/documentation if available any.

thanks for the advice