Expect scripting - How to match a double quotes " "

I am trying to match a text which contains the " ", from the log file. But it doesn't match. I understand that " " has got a special meaning to TCL/Expect.
hence I tried the following, but no luck.
expect -ex {
"lp -c -demail -ot\\\"firstname_surname@gmail.com\\\" /usr/local/spool/pf"
incr logged
send_user "\r\n LOGGED #4, $logged \r\n"
I tried using \ , \\ and \\\ but no luck yet.
Can anyone help, Please..
My log file contains the following line,
exec [lp -c -demail -ot"firstname_surname@gmail.com" /usr/loc
and I need to match that line.

I'm not positive but try this:

set string "lp -c -demail -ot\"firstname_surname@gmail.com\" /usr/local/spool/pf"

expect -re $string { incr logged
                     send_user "\r\n LOGGED #4, $logged \r\n"

That was my first try.. But no luck.
I even tried \\" and \\\"... But no luck...:mad:

Ok, this is some info I found:

Match a "quoted string"
proc quoted-string {str} {
    regexp {^"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"$} $str

This recognizes strings starting and ending with double quote characters.
Any character can be embedded in the string, even double quotes, when preceded by an odd number of backslashes.