Executing Windows batch file from UNIX

Hi everyone, let me get straight to the points.

My manager wants to execute a remote batch file (on a Windows server) from a UNIX Machine, does anyone know if this is possible and what packages would be needed?


p.s. Sorry i cant give OS specifics, we use most UNIX's; AIX, Solaris, RH, SuSE.


I am not aware of any way to run a windows batch file on a UNIX machine, and I fully expect there is not a way to do it on multiple OS's. I'm told that Sun makes a product called WABI (Windows Application Binary Interface) that might be worth looking at.

If it's just a batch file, I would re-code it in bash/ksh shell language...

  • John


I am sorry most not of explained the problem well enough.

I have a Windows Batch file on a windows2003 server, and lets say that batch file just creates a simple text file under the c: directory.
I need to execute that remote batch file on the Windows box, but i need to start it from a remote UNIX machine.

Basicly i need to telnet in to the Windows machine from UNIX and run the *.bat file, but we cant use telnet or ssh....

I hope that makes sense....

/bump .....

if anyone is stuck on this i found the following solution.

Install Win Remote Shell Services on the Windows 2003 server and then use
rsh to execute commands.


Follow this link to some additional useful tips and insights:

Standalone Sysadmin: Issue remote commands to Windows machines without installing ssh