Executing a shell script from windows;script present in unix

I need to execute a shell script kept in unix machine from windows. User id, password area available.
For eg.
There's a shell script wich moves all the logs kept in my home directory to a directory named LOGS.
Now i need to get this done through windows; either using a batch file, or java program or any other feasible way.

Way1: Create a batch in windows to ftp files to unix server

Way2: Start ftp services on windows machine, ftp into windows machines from unix server and get the required data.

Thanks For the reply.
But actually my requirement is not of getting some files from or to unix.

There's a shell script in unix. I need to get that executed without manually goin into unix.
I want to write a program in windows which will run and execute that shell script.

The only way(s) I could think of:

  1. In Windoze, install Cygwin and start the Unix script from there (proper network setup as well as revision of the script required);

  2. in Windoze, create a Bat(ch) that puts a trigger (my favorite: an empty file named "Godot") on the Unix machine, then create a cron job (in Unix, of course) that scans for this "trigger file" and executes the script if it exists.

If their is such a thing as a command line version of a SSH client for windows ( at SSHWindows.SourceForge.Net: OpenSSH for Windows perhaps?) and you set up SSH keys to allow password-less login then you can then run from a batch file:

ssh username@machinename.foobar.com /path/command

which will then run "/path/command" as the user "username".

There have been various threads about passwordless SSH before but I will mention the URL ( http://www.jfitz.com/tips/ssh_for_windows.html#Automatic_login ) as it is covering with SSH for Windows.