Exclude certain file names while selectingData files coming in different names in a file name called

Data files coming in different names in a file name called process.txt.

1. shipments_yyyymmdd.gz
2   Order_yyyymmdd.gz
3.  Invoice_yyyymmdd.gz
4. globalorder_yyyymmdd.gz

The process needs to discard all the below files and only process two of the 4 file names available


How can I exclude the above files when doing selecting from the required files from process.txt

for e.gg i tried

cat process.txt | grep -v "Invoice*" | grep -v "globalorder*" 

but its spitting out all the names. How can I exclude these files

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Your grep works for me. Depending on what your system is, you could strip it down a bit:

grep -Ev "Invoice|globalorder" process.txt
1. shipments_yyyymmdd.gz
2 Order_yyyymmdd.gz

Don't use cat ... | . The stars are not needed; use egrep if grep -E doesn't work for you...