Exactly 1 year ago today, 18-09-2019...

This is mainly for Corona688, today's date 18-09-2019.
Remember from little acorns big trees grow a few months ago?
Well this is well on the way to 1000+ dls by the end of the year...
AMINET from its inception in 1992 is accessed by very, very many and the AMIGA is still loved by millions.
Well C688 your awk DFT has reached 967 dls.

Aminet - dev/gcc/DFT-FFT.awk.txt

Congrats matey I have no idea just from this number alone what the potential number is after people share it...
Good one...


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Mainly for Corona688, but for interest to others too.

Well sometime in the last 24 hours, 4th November 2019, this code uploaded to AMINET......

Aminet - dev/gcc/DFT-FFT.awk.txt

......went from 996, to (TADA) 1006 dls.

So in just over a year that little acorn spawned at least over a thousand new little acorns...
This is that last post on this subject and to finish...

Congrats C688...