Evolution 1.4 error after configuration

After configuring Evolution 1.4, I get an error. I went through all the settings, and I dont have what it says in the error anywhere. I am posting an image so if anyone knows where to change this I would appreciate it. This pops up when sending email. The SMTP server is set correctly i.e. smtp.charter.net wit no uid or passwd needed...


Your hostname is not valid and not recognized... mail doesn't work without DNS configured properly...
You must edit your sendmail rules file and add:


and then generate a new .cf file with m4... this may sound complicated, you should read a little about sendmail.

But I never had to do that before with the older verison? I also am using my mozilla mail fine without any other configurations.. weird...

maybe in evolution you set your "From" email address to the invalid email address (...@localhost...).

change it to your real email address.

also you dont have to worry about sendmail configuration, i gather from your post you are using your ISPs SMTP server right?

i just think jsilva may have been hacking through some sendmail config files over the weekend and is a little fried from it :smiley: jk hehe.

haha yeah, I am using


and they do not require authentication...

I will check to see what I have as my "from" email.



The problem is not with the "From" field, but with the "Sender" field... the sender is always the user@host, if your host is called localhost.localdomain, your sender is user@localhost.localdomain...

I guess that's where the problem lies within. There isn't any fields in the settings that I have seen to change that. I wonder if there is a config file I can edit it ....

i would say it is the "From" setting, as it occurs when he is sending mail. you set what is displayed in the "From" field of the emails you send. him being NOT able to send an email with an arbitrary "From" setting tells me that his smtp server has some mail relay protection. this is to prevent spammers from sending mail via their smtp server. sendming mail with smtp requires no authentification, so these safe gaurds are built in to stop people from "spoofing" the from address.

tux, look at where you set up your email accounts within evolution, in there somewhere where you tell it what smtp server to use, or an "accounts" setting, something like that, in one of those tere will be a space that says From: and you type in YOUR email address there.

This is tuxwarrior, sorry, didnt realize what I was logged in as on this machine, didn't even realize I had two identies on here.

hmm I don't see anywhere I can change this at all

here is another screenshot.

I never had this problem with previous verisons of ximian. What a shame its now such a pain in the arse.] [

This has been resolved.
I just deleted it, and created a new account, the weird tthe weird thing is, when an account is already created, there is no way to change the "from" address,, blah@blah.com it was set to josh@localhost.localdomain but you cannot change that anywhere, have to make sure you get it right from the setup I guess. in any case, its working, thanks for all your help ..!