Eth0 not running in redhat 6.4

Hi guys,
I really need your help with this.
My network interface eth0 is up but not running. I checked udev rules and ifcfg-eth0 files to make sure the mac address are the same.

It just would not come up. Please please I will really appreciate the help here.

Thank you in advance.

I'm a bit confused here. What exactly is the NIC doing or not doing?

I'm assuming you configured the network (IP, mask, GW, etc) and that the network daemon is running.

Also, MAC are usually handled automatically and unless you're trying to do some advanced setup you don't have to manually mess with them.

Are you getting any errors or relevant log messages?

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Hello Verdepollo,

thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Actually, during the initial installation, the eth0 could not be configured at all. I assigned the ip,dg,mask during the installation. The Network Manager could not activate the eth0 interface. This is the exact message I got " Failed to activate these network interfaces: eth0"

The second interface is not even showing up.

Thank you again.

have you ever tried #ifconfig eth0 <ip> up

Try this.... It will up the interface and allocate ip for that.....