escape sequence for $

Hi all,
I have a requirement where the variable name starts with $, like
How to work wit it? can some one help me, am in gr8 confusion:confused:

Which shell, which language?

I don't think this is possible with sh/ksh/bash/awk/perl/php.


Note that the $ is not listed.

There is a way that the look of your requirement can be done -- essentially as an indirect assignment:

#!/bin/bash -

# @(#) z1       Demonstrate indirect assignment.

echo " first assignment a = $a, b = $b"

echo " second assignment a = $a, b = $b"

eval $a=2
echo " eval assignment a = $a, b = $b"



% ./z1

 first assignment a = b, b = 1

./z1: line 12: b=2: command not found
 second assignment a = b, b = 1

 eval assignment a = b, b = 2

However, in general, $ is used as the dereferencing operator in shells. In elementary perl, it must be used to identify scalar variables ... cheers, drl

I dint understand how ur solution could help me out in my requirment. If we have $ before any variable the flie throws an error message how to escape it....?????

dont post the same thing twice

go read the rules

so bottom line is you can't have a variable name starting with '$'???