Escape character in vi?

I want to replace a string which contains "/" in vi but what is the escape character for forward slash?

e.g. I have a text file with the contents below and I want to replace "/Top/Sub/Sub1" with "ABC".


The replace command I am using is %s/string_before_replace/string_after_replace/g.



Thanks zazzybob!

Make life easy for yourself. The "/" in the search/replace command is just a default. How about this:


...etc... You get the idea. If you know you've got a lot of /'s, try to avoid all those \/'s. It's ugly and error-prone.

Great idea. I like the mschwage's suggestion. I used to use the \/ method, but now I will change to mschwage's default-changing method :slight_smile:

Thanks for the contribution. I love it when I learn something new here on UNIX.COM!