error"warning: user owen does not exist - using root"?

I am trying to install openmotif22-2.2.3-18.src.rpm,

after I typed in " rpm -i openmotif22-2.2.3-18.src.rpm"

the following message comes out:

warning: user owen does not exist - using root
warning: group owen does not exist - using root

I am install openmotif under root account.

Do I need to use personal account? How can I fix it? Thanks

It's not a problem, it just means that when the source package was created, the files were owned by the user 'owen' on that machine. When RPM installs a package it tries to set the same owner, group, and permissions, and falls back to root when the owner or group are not found.

yes, the solution is try to modify the package that was created by chmod that file to root group and owner. you also could check the etc/passwd for the permission of user owen and the group itself. good luck :b: