Error starting terminal in Ubuntu 14.04.3

I am unfamiliar with below error and how to fix it, it happens when I start the terminal in Ubuntu 14.04.3. I do not send any command only press crtl+alt+T. It seems to indicate that something is missing from PATH but I�m not really sure what. Thank you :).

Command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places * /bin/lesspipe * /usr/bin/lesspipe 
The command could not be located because '/usr/bin:/bin' is not     included   in the PATH environment variable. 
lesspipe: command not found Command 'dircolors' is available in '/usr/bin/dircolors' The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. 
dircolors: command not found Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls' 
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the     PATH environment variable. ls: command not found

Fix your PATH settings to include the above mentioned pathes.

The system inludes /bin and /usr/bin in your initial PATH, so you must modify it somewhere.
To debug, in an existing shell type

echo $SHELL

If your shell is bash (or sh), fix PATH with

export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH

then start a new shell in debug mode

bash -x

and look if PATH is (badly) set somewhere.
Or if your shell is tcsh (or csh), do

setenv PATH "/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
tcsh -X

my shell is bash and I fixed PATH and ran bash -x and got the below:

I am sorry I'm not sure what you mean by badly set PATH. Thank you for your help :).

++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xv
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))' gv ggv kghostview
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec gv ggv kghostview
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))' xdvi kdvi
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xdvi kdvi
++ _install_xspec '!*.dvi' dvips dviselect dvitype dvipdf advi dvipdfm dvipdfmx
++ local 'xspec=!*.dvi' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec dvips dviselect dvitype dvipdf advi dvipdfm dvipdfmx
++ _install_xspec '!*.[pf]df' acroread gpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.[pf]df' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[pf]df'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[pf]df'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec acroread gpdf
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|xz|Z|bz2))' xpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|xz|Z|bz2))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|xz|Z|bz2))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xpdf
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' kpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec kpdf
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2)))' okular
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2)))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2)))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec okular
++ _install_xspec '!*.pdf' epdfview
++ local 'xspec=!*.pdf' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.pdf'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec epdfview
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)' zathura
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec zathura
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14 ps2pdfwr
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14 ps2pdfwr
++ _install_xspec '!*.texi*' makeinfo texi2html
++ local 'xspec=!*.texi*' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.texi*'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.texi*'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec makeinfo texi2html
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)' tex latex slitex jadetex pdfjadetex pdftex pdflatex texi2dvi
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec tex latex slitex jadetex pdfjadetex pdftex pdflatex texi2dvi
++ _install_xspec '!*.mp3' mpg123 mpg321 madplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.mp3' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec mpg123 mpg321 madplay
++ _install_xspec '!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)' xine aaxine fbxine
++ local 'xspec=!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xine aaxine fbxine
++ _install_xspec '!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)' kaffeine dragon
++ local 'xspec=!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wma|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|wmv|mp[234]|MP[234]|m4[pv]|M4[PV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.part)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec kaffeine dragon
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)' aviplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec aviplay
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))' realplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec realplay
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)' xanim
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xanim
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)' ogg123
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec ogg123
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)' gqmpeg freeamp
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec gqmpeg freeamp
++ _install_xspec '!*.fig' xfig
++ local 'xspec=!*.fig' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.fig'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec xfig
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)' playmidi
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec playmidi
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)' timidity
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec timidity
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|okta|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)' modplugplay modplug123
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|okta|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|okta|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|okta|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec modplugplay modplug123
++ _install_xspec '*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)' vi vim gvim rvim view rview rgvim rgview gview emacs xemacs sxemacs kate kwrite
++ local 'xspec=*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@(o|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|a|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec vi vim gvim rvim view rview rgvim rgview gview emacs xemacs sxemacs kate kwrite
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)' bzme
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec bzme
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))' netscape mozilla lynx galeon dillo elinks amaya firefox mozilla-firefox iceweasel google-chrome chromium-browser epiphany
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec netscape mozilla lynx galeon dillo elinks amaya firefox mozilla-firefox iceweasel google-chrome chromium-browser epiphany
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm)' oowriter
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec oowriter
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)' ooimpress
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec ooimpress
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)' oocalc
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec oocalc
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)' oodraw
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec oodraw
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)' oomath
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec oomath
++ _install_xspec '!*.odb' oobase
++ local 'xspec=!*.odb' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.odb'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec oobase
++ _install_xspec '!*.[rs]pm' rpm2cpio
++ local 'xspec=!*.[rs]pm' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[rs]pm'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec rpm2cpio
++ _install_xspec '!*.aux' bibtex
++ local 'xspec=!*.aux' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.aux'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec bibtex
++ _install_xspec '!*.po' poedit gtranslator kbabel lokalize
++ local 'xspec=!*.po' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec poedit gtranslator kbabel lokalize
++ _install_xspec '!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])' harbour gharbour hbpp
++ local 'xspec=!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec harbour gharbour hbpp
++ _install_xspec '!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]' hbrun
++ local 'xspec=!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec hbrun
++ _install_xspec '!*.ly' lilypond ly2dvi
++ local 'xspec=!*.ly' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.ly'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.ly'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec lilypond ly2dvi
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))' cdiff
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec cdiff
++ _install_xspec '!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)' portecle
++ local 'xspec=!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec portecle
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)' kid3 kid3-qt
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)'
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec kid3 kid3-qt
++ _install_xspec '!*.py' pyflakes
++ local 'xspec=!*.py' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in '$@'
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.py'
++ complete -F _filedir_xspec pyflakes
++ unset -f _install_xspec
++ complete -F _minimal ''
++ complete -D -F _completion_loader
++ [[ -d /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
++ [[ -r /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
++ [[ -x /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
+++ LC_ALL=C
+++ command ls /etc/bash_completion.d
+++ ls /etc/bash_completion.d
+++ '[' -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ']'
+++ /usr/lib/command-not-found -- ls
Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
ls: command not found
+++ return 127
++ unset i _blacklist_glob
++ [[ /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion != \/\h\o\m\e\/\c\m\c\c\a\b\e/.bash_completion ]]
++ [[ -r /home/cmccabe/.bash_completion ]]
++ unset -f have
++ unset have
++ set +v
+ export PATH=/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ngs_analysis/samtools-1.2:=ignoreboth:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
+ PATH=/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ngs_analysis/samtools-1.2:=ignoreboth:export
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
+ export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:export
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
+ export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/cmccabe/tabix-0.2.6
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/cmccabe/tabix-0.2.6

I add to PATH using:

  export PATH=/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ngs_analysis/samtools-1.2:$PATH 

is this correct and how can I verify it, echo $PATH does not seem to work. Thanks

Now I am getting the below error, but can not find it in .bashrc : Thank you :slight_smile:

bash: /home/cmccabe/.bashrc: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: /home/cmccabe/.bashrc: line 1: `export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.' 
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if ! shopt -oq posix; then
  if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
    . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
  elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion
export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
export PATH=$PATH:/home/cmccabe/tabix-0.2.6

Don't put "export path" inside your PATH.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games

I used that on the command line and am getting the same error. Thank you :).

Please show exactly what you did and exactly what happened.

I found the line in .bashrc that was causing the error and removed it with nano . I open terminal and get:

Command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places
 * /bin/lesspipe
 * /usr/bin/lesspipe
The command could not be located because '/bin:/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
lesspipe: command not found
Command 'dircolors' is available in '/usr/bin/dircolors'
The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
dircolors: command not found
Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
ls: command not found

This is the original error that I can not seem to fix. Thank you :).

You are exporting your path three times, duplicating quite a lot of names in it. What things did you actually need to add to your path? Add only those.

I am just trying to have the terminal display only:


when it is opened, as it did before. Thank you :).

Try commenting out the three 'export PATH' lines at the bottom.

I am not sure what you mean as I do not know what file to use. Thank you :).

The file you've been posting all along?

That is a screenshot of the terminal itself, what file does that use? Thank you :).


Also check the other files it sources, .bash_aliases /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion /etc/bash_completion

Here is the error with .bashrc. The other alias are empty. Thank you :).

Command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places
 * /bin/lesspipe
 * /usr/bin/lesspipe
The command could not be located because '/usr/bin:/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
lesspipe: command not found
Command 'dircolors' is available in '/usr/bin/dircolors'
The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
dircolors: command not found
Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
ls: command not found

cmccabe@HP-Z640-Workstation:~$ cat ~/.bashrc
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
    *i*) ;;
      *) return;;

# don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
# See bash(1) for more options
export PATH=/home/cmccabe/Desktop/ngs_analysis/samtools-1.2:$PATHHISTCONTROL=ignoreboth

# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend

# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)

# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize

# If set, the pattern "**" used in a pathname expansion context will
# match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.
#shopt -s globstar

# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"

# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
if [ -z "${debian_chroot:-}" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
    debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)

# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
    xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;

# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt

if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
    if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
    # We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
    # (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
    # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt

# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
case "$TERM" in
    PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"

# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
    test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    #alias dir='dir --color=auto'
    #alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'

    alias grep='grep --color=auto'
    alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
    alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'

# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands.  Use like so:
#   sleep 10; alert
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'

# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if ! shopt -oq posix; then
  if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
    . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
  elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion
export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
export PATH=$PATH:/home/cmccabe/tabix-0.2.6

I thought so. See the three lines I asked you to comment out? Comment them out.


# export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin$
# export PATH=$PATH:export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin$
#export PATH=$PATH:/home/cmccabe/tabix-0.2.6

or (I do not see ls ) Thank you :).

# [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
# if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then 

The three 'export path' lines at the bottom of the file are the three ones at the bottom of the file beginning with 'export path'.