Error messages while extracting tar.bz2 in Ubuntu

while extracting a tar.bz2 file using the command

                 tar xjf git.tar.bz2    

I received error messages that shows Cannot hard link to and Cannot create symlink to error messages
what will be the reason for those error messages.

If you're sure to overwrite existing files, such as symlinks, add: --overwrite .


Most likely that tar.bz2 file is not native to that system and that tar command can't cope with the format/linkage/file sizes or whatever.

Try something other than the standard tar command on your system.

is there any other way for extracting .tar.bz2 files??

Yes, many things to try. Google for "tar.bz2"

Here's the first result:
Unzip and Untar Those tar.gz or tar.bz2 Files in One Step

Also, try "gunzip"

Hope that helps.

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