Equivalent command to 'stat'

Can anyone tell me which is the equivalent command to
'stats' in ksh shell which discribes the file system?

Thanks in advance


What's "stats" (OS, example, etc.)?

stat -c %s test.txt
this command gives me size of the test.txt on GNU/Linux
But on Sun sol I'm nt bale to use this command.
Need equivalent command to it...



here you go

# du -b file |cut -f1


# ls -l file| awk '{print $5}'


# wc -c file | cut -f1

You have answered im_new's precise usage of stat - finding the size of a file - but have not answered the general question: What is the alternative command to stat?

I would love to get the extra information from the stat() call without having to write any C code

In particular, I'm using HPUX 11. There is no stat command available and I would love to see the modification times of files to the second

This is so I can work out the precise order of events when 2 processes may be affecting the same file at different, but close, times. I have a log file of what one script is doing, but have nothing from the second. However, the second process copies the file to is current location as it's final act and I need to know whether this was just before or just after the first script wrote to the file.

There's a stat() function in perl which can give you similar results.

Solaris does not have a stat(1) utility. Unless you are using the lastest version of Solaris, which contains ksh93t with a custom stat builtin developed by the porting team, you are out of luck.

If you want to add your own stat builtin into ksh93, here is some code to do it

#pragma prototyped

#include "defs.h"
#include "builtins.h"
#include "path.h"
#include <tm.h>

/* macro to create subvariables */
#define CREATE_CVE(X,Y,Z) \
   strcpy(b,(X)); \
   np = nv_open(buf, shp->var_tree, NV_NOASSIGN|NV_VARNAME); \
   nv_putval(np, (char*)(Y), (Z) ); \

static char strperms_buf[30];

static const
char sh_optstat[] =
   "[-?\n@(#)$Id: stat 2009-01-03 $\n]"
   "[-author?fpmurphy ]"
   "[+NAME? stat - get file status]"
   "[+DESCRIPTION?\bstat\b creates the compound variable \avar\a corresponding"
       " to the file given by the pathname \afile\a.  The elements of \avar\a"
       " are the names of fields in the \astat\a structure with the \bst_\b"
       " prefix removed, together with the basename of \afile\a.]"
   "\nvar file\n"
   "[+EXIT STATUS?]{"
       "[+>0?An error occurred.]"
   "[+SEE ALSO?\bstat\b(1),\bstat\b(2)]"

/* stringify the permission bits */
static char *
strperms(char * p, mode_t mode)
   char ftype = '?';

   if (S_ISBLK(mode))  ftype = 'b';
   if (S_ISCHR(mode))  ftype = 'c';
   if (S_ISDIR(mode))  ftype = 'd';
   if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) ftype = '|';
   if (S_ISLNK(mode))  ftype = 'l';
   if (S_ISREG(mode))  ftype = '-';

   sfsprintf(p, 30, "\\0%010lo %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c\0",
   mode, ftype,
   mode & S_IRUSR ? 'r' : '-',
   mode & S_IWUSR ? 'w' : '-',
   mode & S_IXUSR ? 'x' : '-',
   mode & S_IRGRP ? 'r' : '-',
   mode & S_IWGRP ? 'w' : '-',
   mode & S_IXGRP ? 'x' : '-',
   mode & S_IROTH ? 'r' : '-',
   mode & S_IWOTH ? 'w' : '-',
   mode & S_IXOTH ? 'x' : '-',
   mode & S_ISUID ? 'U' : '-',
   mode & S_ISGID ? 'G' : '-',
   mode & S_ISVTX ? 'S' : '-');


b_stat(int argc, char *argv[], void *extra)
   register Shell_t *shp = ((Shbltin_t*)extra)->shp;
   register Namval_t *np;
   register int n;
   struct stat statb;
   char buf[100];
   char *b;

   while (n = optget(argv, sh_optstat)) switch (n) {
      case ':':
         errormsg(SH_DICT, 2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
      case '?':
         errormsg(SH_DICT, ERROR_usage(2), "%s", opt_info.arg);

   argc -= opt_info.index;
   argv += opt_info.index;
   if (argc!=2)
       errormsg(SH_DICT, ERROR_usage(2), optusage((char*)0));

   /* stat the file */
   if (stat(argv[1], &statb) < 0)
       errormsg(SH_DICT, ERROR_system(1), "%s: stat failed", argv[1]);

   strcpy(buf, argv[0]);
   b = buf;
   while (*b) b++;

   /* create compound variable */
   np = nv_open(buf, shp->var_tree, NV_NOASSIGN|NV_VARNAME|NV_ARRAY );
   if (!nv_isnull(np))

   /* create compound variable elements */
   CREATE_CVE(".name", path_basename(argv[1]) , NV_RDONLY);
   CREATE_CVE(".atime", &statb.st_atime, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".ctime", &statb.st_ctime, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".mtime", &statb.st_mtime, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".uid", &statb.st_uid, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".gid", &statb.st_gid, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".size", &statb.st_size, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER|NV_LONG);
   CREATE_CVE(".dev", &statb.st_dev, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".ino", &statb.st_ino, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER|NV_LONG);
   CREATE_CVE(".nlink", &statb.st_nlink, NV_RDONLY|NV_INTEGER);
   CREATE_CVE(".mode", strperms(strperms_buf, statb.st_mode), NV_RDONLY);
