Enterprise level Solaris&Windows file sharing

"Samba," I know, I know. However, I am a gov't worker and Samba is off the table. Does anyone have a recommendation for an off the shelf, secure solution? I've already suggested rsync and NFS services for Windows Server and got shot down.

I work also for a Gov and we use samba... (well try to... security team has made my life very difficult since auth passes thru active directory... now I have regularly kerberos issues on the unix side...) The solution we have now (cant get AIX or solaris to join correctly the WIN domains...) is using linux as samba servers ( belonging to win Domains) that have NAS Disks exported both worlds windows and UNIX.. I tried to explain that it added extra complexity when searching after issues, but like you I ....

vbe, do you know of any security problems or fixes/recommendations for NFS services for Windows?

There once was a NFS gateway free from microsoft.. I think I still have one working... I dont know about security problems and fixes ( Not in MS stuff... only unix I do...) but if you are thinking of sharing with Winserver 2008 SP2 or above be prepared to do some kerberos... and if your direction is like mine: there will not be any old NTLM and all has to pass in win2008 SP2 compatible... Then you have no more choice (Open source that is to my knowledge...) but to go samba and get it recognized in Win domain (that means using krb5 stuff...) there are $$ solution though ( I think) have a look at what Quest software offers...they might have something...

Thanks for the tip on Quest, vbe! Didn't find too much on their file share stuff but definitely food for thought and it's probably easier than implementing LDAP, honestly.

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