enscript color

I am converting a text file to ps using enscript.
Does anyone know how to print in color?

Here is what I tried:

enscript -ptemp.ps -G -F Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -f Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -E --color file.txt

The color doesn't work

You can't colorize arbitrary text file. You need text of some predefined language (/usr/share/enscript/hl/*) or insert color tags in your file or define your own output language.

Hi Yazu, thanks for the info
I tried this
enscript -ptemp.ps -G -F Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -f Souvenir-DemiItalic20 -E --color --language=html --output=file.txt file.txt

now it gives me the error message:
couldn't open AFM file for font "Souvenir-DemiItalic", using default
output left in file.txt

what am I doing wrong?

  1. Well, you convert your "file.txt" to html (--language=html). It's not me - the enscript manual uses the word "language" with different meanings. :slight_smile:
  2. Enscript knows nothing about Souvenir-DemiItalic font. You should convert (make AFM file for this font) by yourself. I don't know how, but I know it's possible. :slight_smile:

Hi was able to put some color in the file using a2ps
You can download a2ps from macports.

a2ps -R --column=1 --no-header --font-size=20 --pretty-print=js --highlight-level=heavy --pro=color --left-title=ITITLE1 --right-title=ITITLE2 -o temp.ps file.txt


Now this produces a file with only some of the words colored.

In order to make all the words colored I edited the js stylesheet.
Actually I created my own stylesheet and called it js2
You have to use awk ans sed commands to put the words from your file into the js2 file.

Here are the steps one by one.

  1. First create a dummy file (js2.ssh) in the following directory opt/local/share/a2ps/sheets/ using command.

sudo vi /opt/local/share/a2ps/sheets/js2.ssh

  1. Next link the file to your real js2.ssh file in your working directory
    ln -s /opt/local/share/a2ps/sheets/js2.ssh ./js2.ssh

  2. Next write a script to create js2.ssh file in your working directory here is a copy of my own called makejs2

echo '# Style sheet for JavaScript'
echo '# Copyright (C) 2011 walforum'
echo ''
echo '#'
echo '# This file is part of a2ps.'
echo '#'
echo '#'
echo ''
echo 'style JavaScript is'
echo 'written by "Forumbaba <walforum@unix.com>"'
echo 'version is 1.1'
echo 'requires a2ps version 4.12g'
echo ''
echo 'first alphabet is'
echo ' "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_"'
echo 'second alphabet is'
echo ' "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789"'
echo 'case sensitive'
echo ''
echo 'documentation is'
echo ' "Keywords are generated from a text file"'
echo 'end documentation'
echo ''
echo 'keywords in Keyword are'
sed "s/[^a-z|^A-Z]/ /g;" $1 | sed "s/in/ /g;" | sed "s/is/ /g;"| sed "s/are/ /g;" | sed "s/ARE/ /g;" | sed "s/by/ /g;" | sed "s/end/ /g;" | sed "s/written/ /g;" | sed "s/first/ /g;"| sed '/^ $/d' | sort -u | awk '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)if(i%1==0){$i=$i","} }1' |awk '{ print " " $0 "," }'
echo ' love'
echo 'end keywords'
echo ''
echo 'keywords in Keyword_strong are'
sed "s/[^a-z|^A-Z]/ /g;" $1 | sed "s/in/ /g;" | sed "s/is/ /g;"| sed "s/are/ /g;" | sed "s/ARE/ /g;" | sed "s/by/ /g;" | sed "s/end/ /g;" | sed "s/written/ /g;" | sed "s/first/ /g;"| sed '/^ $/d' | sort -u | awk '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)if(i%1==0){$i=$i","} }1' |awk '{ print " " $0 "," }'
echo ' Jesus, God, Heaven, Lord, Father, Blessed, sin '
#echo ' All, sin, break, "case", catch, class, continue, default, delete, do, else, enum, '
#echo ' export, extends, final, finally, for, goto, if, implements, import, '
#echo ' "in", instanceof, interface, native, new, package, private, protected, '
#echo ' public, return, static, super, switch, synchronized, throw, throws, '
#echo ' transient, try, typeof, var, volatile, while, with '
echo 'end keywords'
echo ''
echo 'operators are'
echo ' (/(function)([[:blank:]]+)([^ \t(]+)/'
echo ' \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain, \3 Label)'
echo 'end operators'
echo ''
echo 'optional operators are'
echo ' # Actual'
echo ' && \wedge,'
echo ' || \vee,'
echo ' <= \leq,'
echo ' >= \geq,'
echo ' ! \not,'
echo ' # Protected from the above'
echo ' <<<=,'
echo ' <<=,'
echo ' >>=,'
echo ' >>>=,'
echo ' !=,'
echo ' !=='
echo 'end operators'
echo ''
echo 'sequences are'
echo ' # Regular expressions'
echo ' (/(=)/ # \1 = assignment'
echo ' /([[:blank:]]+)/ # \2 = spaces'
echo ' /(\/)/ # \3 = "/"'
echo ' /([^
\/])/ # \4 = first character of regexp'
echo ' \1 Plain, \2 Plain, \3 Plain, \4 String) String "/" Plain'
echo ' exceptions are'
echo ' "\\\\", "\\/"'
echo ' end exceptions,'
echo ' "/
" Comment Comment "*/" Comment,'
echo ' "//" Comment,'
echo ' C-string,'
echo ' "'" Plain String "'" Plain'
echo ' exceptions are'
echo "\\\\", "\\'"
echo ' end exceptions'
echo 'end sequences'
echo 'end style'

This script is run by ./makejs2 file.txt > js2.ssh

  1. Next run the a2ps command again:
    a2ps -R --column=1 --no-header --font-size=20 --pretty-print=js --highlight-level=heavy --pro=color --left-title=ITITLE1 --right-title=ITITLE2 -o temp.ps file.txt

That Should do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley:

Sorry for the very late posting.

If you are using a Linux distribution look in /usr/share/doc/enscript (or possibly /usr/share/enscript-{ver} where {ver} is the version number. You will find a (possibly gzipped) file called README.ESCAPES. Use this to find out how to embed escape sequences into your text file to print in colour.
