Enhanced partition copy script (new & improved!)

This is now a larger script than I would customarily post. But many folks have become accustom to getting it off this forum.

Every couple of years I update my favorite scripts. This script is one that I use regularly and have posted older versions every couple of years. I noticed that it has been translated into several foreign languages too.

Two years ago I promised to revise it so that it could be more easily run using menus. I finally got around to doing that and have enhanced several other features. The last script was primarily a disk imaging script. I realized that a separate script was really needed for partition copying so I modified the original script to be more specific.

I will be upgrading and releasing the disk imaging script soon. Until then, please enjoy... and be careful! This script will wipe things out if you aren't extra cautious :slight_smile:
Jan Zumwalt

#! /bin/bash 
# Name:  partition-copy.sh
# By:    Jan Zumwalt - www.neatinfo.com 
# Ver:   August 22th, 2010
# About: Copies partition and support files using dd command
# Copyright: 
#        1992-2010 by Jan Zumwalt, www.neatinfo.com
#        This software is free and open to the public. You may use, copy, 
#        modify, distribute, and sell this program (and any variants) 
#        without restriction, so long as you do not restrict others from  
#        doing the same.
# History: 
#        1992 - simple script for IBM AIX and Minix OS @20 lines
#        1995 - enhanced and re-designed for SUSE Linux OS @60 lines
#        1998 - enhanced and re-designed for Mandrake Linux OS @100 lines
#        2002 - log and re-designed for PcLinux OS @150 lines
#        2005 - verbose comments and info section @250 lines
#        2008 - modifiable variables to top, keybrd input, user modifiable @350 lines
#        2009 - error checks, self install and shortcut feature @450 lines
#        2010 - aesthetics, menus and aux system files capability @600 lines
# Future enhancements:
#       *Calculate file save elapsed time - in beta testing
#        Improve log format
#        Ability to save session log with partition file 
#        Restore feature
#        Better file compression 
#        Kill process feature
# code remarks:
#    -e = enable interpretation of backslash codes
#    -n = disable newline at end of line (i.e. user input prompt)
#    ${VAR} can be used to separate a variable if no space is
#           available in a string, ie "http://www.${WEB}.com"
#    exit 1 = error, exit 0 = success

# +------------------------------------------------------+
# |    These are the user modifiable variables. The      |
# |    "MENU" variables are for the partition menu.      |           
# +------------------------------------------------------+

PARTITION="/dev/sda6"               # default partition to copy and save
PD="50gb PcLinux development"       # description

MENU1="/dev/sda1"                   # menu item 1
MENU1D="75gb development XP"        # description

MENU2="/dev/sda7"                   # menu item 2
MENU2D="100gb development data"     # description

MENU3="/dev/sdb1"                   # menu item 3
MENU3D="75gb backup XP"             # description

MENU4="/dev/sdb2"                   # menu item 4
MENU4D="400gb primary data"         # description

MENU5="/dev/sdd0"                   # menu item 5
MENU5D="usb thumb drive"            # description

MENU6="/dev/sdd1"                   # menu item 6
MENU6D="usb thumb drive"            # description

MENU7="         "                   # menu item 7
MENU7D="un-assigned"                # description

MENU8="         "                   # menu item 8
MENU8D="un-assigned"                # description

MENU9="         "                   # menu item 9
MENU9D="un-assigned"                # description

FILE_ID="-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%N`"                    # unique id so we can save many partitions
FILE_PATH="/media/data-400gb/partition-images/"   # target path, needs a trailing slash

# ##########################################################
# ###          END OF USER MODIFIABLE VARIABLES          ###
# ###          DO NOT MODIFY CODE BELOW THIS !           ###
# ##########################################################

# Pretty ANSI writing

FkeyRead ()  # read 1 character from keyboard, char is in $ANSWER
oldstty=$(stty -g)
stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 1
ANSWER=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)
stty "${oldstty}"


echo -en "\n\t ,--------------------------------------------------,"
echo -en "\n\t |                                                  |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'______          _   _ _   _             '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'| ___ \        | | (_) | (_)            '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'| |_/ /_ _ _ __| |_ _| |_ _  ___  _ __  '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'|  __/ _` | `__| __| | __| |/ _ \| `_ \ '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'| | | (_| | |  | |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |'"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'\_|  \__,_|_|   \__|_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|'"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'       _____                            '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'      /  __ \                           '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'      | /  \/ ___  _ __  _   _          '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'      | |    / _ \| `_ \| | | |         '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'      | \__/\ (_) | |_) | |_| |         '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'       \____/\___/| .__/ \__, |         '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'                  | |     __/ |         '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |     $GREEN"'                  |_|    |___/          '"$OFF     |"
echo -en "\n\t |                                                  |"
echo -en "\n\t '--------------------------------------------------'"

echo -en "$OFF"
echo -en "\n\n\t\t$BOLD$RED     by: Jan Zumwalt - NeatInfo.com"
echo -en "\n\t\t\t       Ver-8/2010 $OFF"                                                    
echo -en "\n\n\t\t     Press$YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t This program uses the dd command to copy a partition to\n" 
echo -en "\t a file. Without this script, a typing mistake using the\n"
echo -en "\t dd  command  can  cause  all your data to be destroyed!\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t This script allows you to  carefully  plan ahead,  then\n"
echo -en "\t repeat the process fearlessly. It also makes a nice log.\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t This script is currently set for...\n"
echo -en "\t default partition: $BOLD$PARTITION$OFF $PD\n"
echo -en "\t default file name: $BOLD$FILE_NAME$OFF\n"
echo -en "\t default file id:   $BOLD$FILE_ID$OFF\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t You  will  be  given  an   opportunity  to  change  the\n"
echo -en "\t$BOLD partition $OFF and $BOLD file $OFF name.  Partition menu choices may\n"
echo -en "\t be changed by opening the script with a text editor and\n"
echo -en "\t editing  variables  near the  beginning of this script."                                                  
echo -en "\n\n\t\t     Press$YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "

while :
echo -en "\n\n\n"
echo -en "\t .------------------------------------------------.\n"
echo -en "\t | $GREEN                   MAIN MENU                  $OFF |\n"
echo -en "\t |------------------------------------------------|\n"
echo -en "\t | Please select from one of these options.       |\n"
echo -en "\t |                                                |\n"
echo -en "\t |$YELLOW 1) Copy partition to file $OFF                     |\n"  
echo -en "\t |$YELLOW 2) View file system $OFF (fdisk -l)                |\n"
echo -en "\t |$YELLOW 3) Initialize logs and create a shortcut $OFF      |\n"
echo -en "\t |$YELLOW 4) Info - brief instructions $OFF                  |\n"
echo -en "\t |$YELLOW 5) Quit - also q,n, or x $OFF                      |\n"
echo -en "\t '------------------------------------------------'\n"
echo -en "\n"
echo -en "\t$BOLD    What would you like to do? 1,2,3,4,5 $YELLOW[1]$OFF "
   case $MENU_CHOICE in 
      1|"")     # The user selected "Copy partition to file"

          while :
          echo -en "\n\n\n\n"
echo -en "\t .------------------------------------------------.\n"
echo -en "\t | $GREEN                PARTITION MENU                $OFF |\n"
echo -en "\t '------------------------------------------------'\n"
          echo -en "\t                               \n"          
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 1) $MENU1 $OFF $MENU1D \n"  
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 2) $MENU2 $OFF $MENU2D \n"
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 3) $MENU3 $OFF $MENU3D \n"  
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 4) $MENU4 $OFF $MENU4D \n" 
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 5) $MENU5 $OFF $MENU5D \n"  
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 6) $MENU6 $OFF $MENU6D \n"
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 7) $MENU7 $OFF $MENU7D \n"  
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 8) $MENU8 $OFF $MENU8D \n"
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 9) $MENU9 $OFF $MENU9D \n"
          echo -en "\t $YELLOW 0) Quit   $OFF    do you really want to quit?\n"
          echo -en "\t                               \n"
          echo -en "\t .-------------------------------------------------. \n"
          echo -en "\t |$YELLOW [default] = $PARTITION $OFF $PD |\n" 
          echo -en "\t '-------------------------------------------------'\n"
          echo -en "\n"
          echo -en "\t$BOLD Partition$OFF to copy and save 1,2,3... or $YELLOW[default]$OFF "
          case $PART_CHOICE in 
             "")  # The user selected [default] partition
                  # deafault partition is already set, so continue
               break ;;
             1)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             2)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             3)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             4)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             5)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             6)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             7)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             8)   # The user selected menu item 1
               break ;;
             9)   # The user selected menu item 1
             0)   # The user selected menu item 1
                  echo -en "\n\n\n\n\t$GREEN OK! I am quiting, thanks for using$YELLOW Partion-Copy!$OFF\n"
                  echo -en "\n\t Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit... "
                  echo -en "\n\n"
                  exit 1
             *)   # anything else is invalid
                  echo -en "\n\n\n\n"
                  echo -en "\t .-------------------------------------------------. \n"
                  echo -en "\t |                                                 | \n"
                  echo -en "\t |         $BOLD$RED That was an incorrect choice! $OFF         |\n"
                  echo -en "\t |          Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue...        |\n"
                  echo -en "\t |                                                 | \n"
                  echo -en "\t '-------------------------------------------------'\n" 
                  echo -en "\t "

         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t OK! Here we go...\n"

            # see if target directory exist
     	    if [ ! -d $FILE_PATH ]; then
 	       echo -en "\n\t$RED *** Target file directory not found *** $OFF\n"
 	       echo -en "\n\t *** I can not go on without it!     ***\n"
               echo -en "\n\t Should I try to create the directory I need $BOLD$FILE_PATH$OFF ? "
               echo -en "\n\t (I can only create a single directory off an existing one)"
   		  case $ANSWER in 
                        mkdir $FILE_PATH
 	                echo -en "\n\n\t I made the target file directory..."
                        echo -en "\n\n\t $RED I warned YOU that I needed it! $OFF"
                        echo -en "\n\t $BOLD I QUIT!... $OFF\n\n\n"
                        exit 1;;

            # see if log directory exist
     	    if [ ! -d $HOME/logs ]; then
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t $RED *** Log directory not found *** $OFF\n"
               echo -en "\n\t Should I create the directory I need for logs ($HOME/logs)? "
   		  case $ANSWER in 
                     mkdir $HOME/logs

            # choose file name
 	       echo -en "\n\t$YELLOW Enter a file name, (no spaces or weird characters) $OFF"
               read FILE_NAME

            # see if user wants fdisk info saved
 	       echo -en "\n\t$YELLOW Would you like fdisk info saved [y/n]? $OFF"
   		  case $DISK_INFO in 
                        fdisk -l $PARTITION > $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.fdisk.txt
 	                echo -en "\n\n\t I saved the fdisk info to $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.fdisk.txt"
                        echo -en "\n\t No fdisk info saved..."

            # see if user wants mtab (fstab) data saved
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t$YELLOW Would you like mtab (fstab) data saved [y/n]? $OFF"
   		  case $MTAB_DATA in 
                        cp /boot/grub/menu.lst $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.mtab 
 	                echo -en "\n\n\t I saved mtab data to $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.mtab"
                        echo -en "\n\t No mtab data saved..."

            # see if user wants mbr data saved
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t$YELLOW Would you like mbr image saved [y/n]? $OFF"
   		  case $MBR_DATA in 
                        dd if=$PARTITION of=$FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.mbr.img count=1 bs=512 
 	                echo -en "\n\n\t I saved the mbr image to $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.mbr.img"
                        echo -en "\n\t No mbr image saved..."

            # see if user wants grub menu data saved
 	       echo -en "\n\n\t$YELLOW Would you like grub boot menu data saved [y/n]? $OFF"
   		  case $GRUB_DATA in 
                        cp /boot/grub/menu.lst $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.grub.menu.lst 
 	                echo -en "\n\n\t I saved grub menu data to $FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.grub.menu.lst"
                        echo -en "\n\t No grub data saved..."

                  echo -en "\n\n\n"
                  echo -en "\n\t .-------------------------------------------------."
                  echo -en "\n\t |                                                 |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'    _    _                  _             _  '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'   | |  | |                (_)           | | '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'   | |  | | __ _ _ __ _ __  _ _ __   __ _| | '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'   | |/\| |/ _` | `__| `_ \| | `_ \ / _` | | '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'   \  /\  / (_| | |  | | | | | | | | (_| |_| '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'    \/  \/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, (_) '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'                                     __/ |   '"$OFF   |"
                  echo -en "\n\t | $RED"'                                    |___/    '"$OFF   |" 
                  echo -en "\n\t |                                                 |"
                  echo -en "\n\t '-------------------------------------------------'" 
                  echo -en "\n\n\t$YELLOW You are about to copy...$OFF\n"
                  echo -en "\n\t $GREEN$PARTITION $OFF"
                  echo -en "\n\t   to..."
                  echo -en "\n\t $GREEN$FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.gz $OFF\n"
                  echo -en "\n\t Do you want to continue y/n$YELLOW [Y]$OFF? "
   		  case $ANSWER in 
                     [QqNnXx]) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
                        echo -en "\n\n"
                        echo -en "\t      OK! I am quiting...\n"
                        echo -en "\n\t      Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit... "
                        echo -en "\n\n"
                        exit 1;;
                     *) # any other key allows us to proceed
         echo -en "\n\n\t OK! We are going to continue...."
         # opportunity to add comment to log file
	 echo -en "\n\n\t$YELLOW You may now add a comment for the log file...$OFF\n"
         echo -en "\t "        
         read ANSWER
         echo -e "\t\t"$ANSWER >> $HOME/logs/partition-copy.log
         # save backup starting time      image  = /boot/vmlinuz

         echo -en "\t +-----------------------------------------------+\n"
         echo -en "\t Backup start time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         echo -en "\t +-----------------------------------------------+\n"
         echo -en "\t Backing up...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         # The actual backup is done here. Included are some possible options.
         # These options are machine specific - here is some of mine...
         # dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 # win partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/dev/hdc7 # linux partition
         # dd if=/dev/hda  of=/dev/hdc  # entire IDE slot 1 drive to IDE slot 3 <default>
         echo -en "\t Partition=$PARTITION\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         echo -en "\t Path=$FILE_PATH\n"     | tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         echo -en "\t File name=$FILE_NAME\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         echo -en "\t File ID=$FILE_ID.gz\n" | tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         START_TIME=`date +%s`
         dd if=$PARTITION  bs=1024k | gzip > "$FILE_PATH$FILE_NAME$FILE_ID.gz"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         END_TIME=`date +%s`
         ELAPSED_MINUTES=`echo $((($END_TIME-$START_TIME)/60))`
         echo -en "\t Elapased minutes: $ELAPSED_MINUTES"  | tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"     
         # save backup ending time
         echo -en "\n\t Backup end time = " `date`"\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         # success - show log file and exit
         echo -en "\t Script completed successfully.\n\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
         echo -en "\t *******************************************\n"
         echo -en "\t ***   Here is a copy of your log file   ***\n"
         echo -en "\t *******************************************\n"
         cat $HOME/logs/partition-copy.log
         echo -en "\n\n\t     Press the$YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit. "
         echo -en "\n\n"  
       exit 0;;

      2) # show drive info         
           echo -en "\n\n"
           echo -en ",-------------------------------------------------------------------,\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".                                                                   .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  This is a listing of your MOUNTED media. You may have other      .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  media attached and available. The file system or devices ${YELLOW}do${OFF}      .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  ${YELLOW}not have to be mounted${OFF} to work.$BOLD The \"dd\" command that this       .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  program uses can be VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of knowing   .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  what the intent of the user is, and in less than 1 second        .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".  permanent data loss will occur! So, please be very carfull!      .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en ".                                                                   .\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en "'-------------------------------------------------------------------'\n" | pr -o5 -t
           echo -en "\n" | pr -o5 -t
           df -h -T | pr -o5 -t | cut -c1-75
           echo -en "\n" | pr -o5 -t
           fdisk -l | pr -o5 -t | cut -c1-75

           echo -en "\n     Press$YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to return to main menu." | pr -o5 -t
           clear ;;

      3) # set up program and create a shortcut         
           echo -en "\n\t$YELLOW" `date`"$OFF" | tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
           echo -en "\n"
           echo -en "\n\t$BOLD Checking for personal log directory... $OFF\n"
           if [ ! -d $HOME"/logs" ] ; then # if log dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/logs"
              echo -en "\t Missing personal log dir, I made one at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
              echo -en "\t Found personal log dir at $HOME/logs\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"

           echo -en "\n\t$BOLD Checking for personal bin directory... $OFF\n"
           if [ ! -d $HOME"/bin" ] ; then # if bin dir not made, create it
              mkdir $HOME"/bin"
              echo -en "\t Missing personal bin dir, I made one at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
              echo -en "\t Found personal bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"

           echo -en "\n\t$BOLD Checking for script in personal bin directory... $OFF\n"
           if [ ! -f $HOME"/bin/partition-copy.sh" ] ; then # if prog not in bin dir, copy it there
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/partition-copy.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t I copied script to bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"
              cp $0 $HOME"/bin/partition-copy.sh" # copy myself to the bin dir
              echo -en "\t I overwrote script in bin dir at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"

           echo -en "\n\t$BOLD Checking script permissions, making executable... $OFF\n"
           chmod  ugo+x "$HOME/bin/partition-copy.sh" # make sure script will execute 
           echo -en "\t Confirmed script is executable at $HOME/bin\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log"

           echo -en "\n\t$BOLD Desktop shortcut... $OFF\n"
           START_DIR=$PWD # save current dir
           echo -en "\t Going to your desktop and creating shortcut$YELLOW Partition-Copy$OFF...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partition-copy.log" 
           cd $HOME"/Desktop" # goto desktop to make shortcut
           # This next section of code creates the desktop shortcut
           echo "[Desktop Entry]"
           echo "Comment="
           echo "Comment[en_US]="
           echo "Encoding=UTF-8"
           echo "Exec='$HOME/bin/partition-copy.sh'"
           echo "GenericName=" 
           echo "GenericName[en_US]="
           echo "Icon=cantor"
           echo "MimeType="
           echo "Name=partition-copy"
           echo "Name[en_US]=partition-copy"
           echo "Path="               
           echo "StartupNotify=true" 
           echo "Terminal=true"               
           echo "TerminalOptions=\s--noclose"   
           echo "Type=Application"            
           echo "X-DCOP-ServiceType=none"   
           echo "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false"
           echo "X-KDE-Username=" 
           } > "partition-copy.desktop"
           chmod  ugo+x "partition-copy.desktop" # make shortcut executable
           cd $START_DIR # be nice and return to our original dir

           echo -en "\t Created desktop shortcut...\n"| tee -a "$HOME/logs/partiton-copy.log" 
           echo -en "\n\t Press$YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to return to main menu."
      4) # The user wants some information about the script
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This is a very brief  explanation  of how this program works. .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  This  program  will work with all file systems.  They do not  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  have to be mounted to work. This program's primary use is to  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  copy a  complete  partition  to a  file (backup).  This will  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  provide  an  exact  byte  for  byte copy (including MS Win).  .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW This  program  can  be  VERY dangerous.$OFF There is no way of   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  knowing what the users  intent is.  A typing error can cause  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  permanent data loss in less than 1 second!                    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Most mother boards provide  SATA,  IDE,  SCSII and USB ports  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  for data storage. UNIX controls  drives and partitions using  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  alias names. Here are some examples...                        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE uses hda,hdb,hdc, and  hdd                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  SATA drives use sda, sdb, etc                                 .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  USB are sdd0, sdd1, sdd2 and so on                            .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Each partition on a drive can be designated by adding a       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. hda1 is the first partition on the first IDE drive,   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  hda3 is the third partition of the same drive.                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 1 of 4                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t '----------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
         echo -en "\n\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .--------------------- $BOLD About This Program $OFF ---------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $BOLD dd$OFF is the UNIX command to make a file or partition image.     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  The \"dd\" command uses$BOLD if$OFF (in file) and$BOLD of$OFF (out file) as file  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  system parameters. To completely copy the 1st IDE drive to    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  the 2nd drive, we would use this command...                   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb $OFF                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Because we did not give partition numbers, the whole 1st      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  drive will be copied to the entire 2nd drive.                 .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To copy a specific partition we must use the partition        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  number. Suppose we would like to copy the 1st partition of    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  IDE-3 (the \"c\" drive) and have it go to partition 4 of the    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  same drive. We would use this command...                      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .    $YELLOW dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/dev/hdc4  $OFF                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Be forwarned that if the two partitions are not the same      .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  size, bad things can happen. You usually are all right if     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  you copy a small partition to a big one, but copying a big    .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  one to a small one usually results in data corruption.        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 2 of 4                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t '----------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
         echo -en "\n\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To  make  selecting  the  file  systems  easy,  I  made two   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  variables to hold the drive  definitions.  They are located   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  near  the  beginning  of  this  script.  Here  is  how  the   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  actual \"dd\" command looks using variables...                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  $YELLOW  dd if=\$PARTITION of=\$FILE_ID  $OFF                       .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  UNIX  is  very  generious  in  file system support, so this   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  script can be used for  just  about  any  type  of  storage   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  device. I have not tried other devices such as memory cards,  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  but I can not see any  reason they  should not work just as   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  well.                                                         .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  more...                   pg 3 of 4                           .\n"
         echo -en "\t '----------------------------------------------------------------'\n"
         echo -en "\n\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         echo -en "\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\t .  Here are some examples I use with my 250gb development sys.   .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To mirror my entire drive \"A\" to drive \"C\"                    .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW PARTITION=/dev/hda $OFF                                      .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW FILE_ID=/dev/hdc $OFF                                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  To save the Windows XP OS on drive \"A\" partition 1 to a file  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  with the date i.e \"partition-image-2010-06-04\"                .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW PARTITION=/dev/hda1 $OFF                                     .\n"
         echo -en "\t . $YELLOW FILE_ID=/media/data/partition-image-\`date +%Y-%m-%d\`$OFF          .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  At the shell prompt, type$YELLOW man fdisk$OFF for some                  .\n"
         echo -en "\t .  interesting information. I hope this is of some use :)        .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                              $BOLD  Jan Zumwalt - NeatInfo.com $OFF     .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                                                                .\n"
         echo -en "\t .                          pg 4 of 4                             .\n"
         echo -en "\t .----------------------------------------------------------------.\n"
         echo -en "\n\t     Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to continue... "
         clear ;;

      5|[QqNnXx]) # we are here because the user wanted to quit
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t      OK! I am quiting...\n"
         echo -en "\n\t      Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to exit... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         exit 1;;
      *) # the user's response does not make sense so...
         echo -en "\n\n"
         echo -en "\t\t$BOLD   Please enter ${YELLOW}1,2,3,4,5 $OFF \n"
         echo -en "\n\t   Press $YELLOW [ANY]$OFF key to try again... "
         echo -en "\n\n"
         clear ;;
exit 1

Because of the support requests, need for regular updates, and additional instructions or information, I have formally entered this as a project at source forge.

One thing I've noticed that dd seems unable to do is properly save/restore "extended" partition information. It's not recorded in the boot sector, and dd-ing the "extended" device (not the partitions in it) doesn't seem to preserve it either. Where is it stored?

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking but here is a bit of additional information that may or may not answer your question.

The partition information for an entire drive is kept in the MBR (master boot record). There is no separate or individual information block available. Therefore my program (and any other) that attempts to save the first 512 bytes of a partition (which is the mbr) for any partition other than the first will receive an error.

My program does not attempt to stop someone from saving an invalid MBR block on other partitions. dd is smart enough to notice that an attempt is being made to save the MBR of an invalid partition and will shoot out an error message, but it still saves the invalid 512 byte block.

This first example will work because the mbr is actualy at the start of partition 1

dd if=hda1 of=partition.mbr.img count=1 bs=512 

This example will cause an error message because the 2nd partition does not have an mbr!

dd if=hda2 of=partition.mbr.img count=1 bs=512 

My thinking is that there may be some special case that I am not aware of that a user may need that 512 byte block. So, I trust the users judgment.

In the future, I will place some type of error trap and give sa message to the user that explains what is going on.

I hope this information helps.

Jan Zumwalt