enabling core dumps for daemon processes

I am debugging a program which works as daemon. It sigfaults, unfortunately I'm unable to generate core dump file. Here is what I am doing:

tsurko@bastila:~$ ulimit -c unlimited
tsurko@bastila:~$ ulimit -c
tsurko@bastila:~$ cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep 'core_pattern'
kernel.core_pattern = "/var/log/dumps/core.%e.%p"
tsurko@bastila:~$ ls -l /var/log | grep dumps
drwxrwxrwt 2 root      root    4096 2009-10-04 12:34 coredumps
drwxrwxrwx 2 root      root    4096 2009-10-15 02:22 dumps

I'm compiling the application with -g to generate debug symbols but finally when it sigfaults no coredump file is generated neither in the directory specified above, nor in the directory where the bin is located. I've also checked in / (it is the working direcotry of the daemon process - no good).
What I am missing?

have you checked for other limits in the pam configs?