Email alert doesnt contain any message

I have created a script which will monitor disk space in unix, it will send an email alert that will notify the specified receipients. I used echo in the mailx command but the email doesnt contain any message. I have used printf to store the message ($message2) and when tried to display on the screen using echo command the value appeared. I have also tried to use the cat command but still no message in the email. Below is the script.

2 HOST=`uname -s`
3 LIST="apps/AI2dbFeeds apps/ai2install apps/data_transfer apps/informatica apps/oracle apps/samba apps/tsm"
4 SYSTIME=`date`
5 #SYSTIME=`date | sed -e 's/BST//'`
6 #SYSTIME=`date +"%OH:%OM"`
7 LEVEL1=40
8 LEVEL2=90
9 LEVEL3=95
11 MESS="/apps/informatica/current/pmserver/Scripts/message2"
13 for i in $LIST
14 do
15 XXX=`df -k | grep $i|sed -e 's/%//'|awk '{print $5}'`
16 #echo $i
17 #echo $XXX
18 if [ "$XXX" -ge "$LEVEL1" ]
19 then
20 message= echo "$SYSTIME : $HOST /$i $XXX% Full!"
21 printf "$message" >> "$message2"
22 echo $message2
24 fi
25 done
28 #cat $message2 < /dev/null | mailx -s "ETL UAT - UNIX Disk Space Utilization" $MAILGRP
29 echo $message2 | mailx -s "ETL UAT - UNIX Disk Space Utilization" $MAILGRP

use code tags please.

I am quite sure there are some syntax errors.
line 20:
when you execute a command for a variable, use $().

message=$(echo "$SYSTIME : $HOST /$i $XXX% Full!")

line 21:
"$message2" must be a file. I couldn't see you have defined anything to it.

what are you getting with "echo $message2" ??

This message appears on the screen when I echo $message2:

Wed Jul 22 10:57:38 BST 2009 : SunOS /apps/informatica 71% Full!