Eject Tape


I'm using AIX and I'm looking for a command that can eject the tape. Any help is highly appreciated.




Try the 'mt' command.


mt -f /dev/rmt/0 unload

Change the /dev/rmt/0 to your specs.

mt(1) DG/UX R4.20MU06 mt(1)

mt - magnetic tape control

mt [ -f tapename ] command [ count ]

mt sends commands to a magnetic tape drive. If tapename is not specified, the environment variable TAPE is used. If TAPE does not
exist, mt prints an error message. Note that tapename must refer to a raw (not block) tape device. For tape-positioning operations, the tape device should be a non-rewinding device; otherwise, the tape rewinds at the end of the operation regardless of any position
request. For example, specify /dev/rmt/0n instead of /dev/rmt/0.

By default, mt performs the requested operation once; count specifies multiple operations.
The available commands are listed below. Only as many characters as are required to uniquely identify a command need be specified. Not
all commands are supported by all devices. eof, weof Write count EOF marks at the current position on the tape.
fsf Forward space count files.

   fsr          Forward space count records.                                 
   bsf          Back space count files.                                      
   bsr          Back space count records.                                    
   rewind       Rewind the tape. The count                     argument is ignored with this                     command.                                                     
   offline, rewoffl                                                          
                Rewind and unload.                                           
   status       Print status information about                     the tape unit. The count      
                argument is ignored with this                     command.   If the device                          is a CLARiiON tape array, the                     status information                                reported will include: the                     tapeset id, the number of                         tapes in the tapeset, the                     write-protect status, and                         whether the tapeset was                     written using parity.  Note                     the status command will change                     the tape position based on                        the raw tape device specified.                               
   retension    Retension the tape.  The count                     argument is ignored with      
                this command.                                                
   eom          Position to the end of the                     medium.  The count argument                       is ignored with this command.                                
   load         Load the tape.  The count                     argument is ignored with this                     command.                                                     
   posload      Position the autoloader                     \(magazine\) to count slot                          number and load the tape.  If                     count is negative then eject                     the magazine.                                                    
   unload       Unload, or eject, the tape.                      The count argument is                             ignored with this command.