Egrep patterns in a file and limit number of matches to print for each pattern match


I need to egrep patterns in a file and limit number of matches to print for each matched pattern.

-m10 option is not working out in my sun solaris 5.10

Please guide me the options to achieve.

if i do head -10 , i wont be getting all pattern match results as output since for a pattern multiple lines will be getting.

Got Perl?

perl -nle 'if(/REGEX/){print; $m++; close ARGV if $m>=10}' example

Hi, ananan.

Welcome to the forum.

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These guidelines allow responders to create solutions without
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Do you desire a different count for each different pattern?

What should happen if more than one pattern match occurs on the same line?

What should happen if one pattern matches several times on one line?

Is the file short enough so that egrep could be run a number of times on the file?

Best wishes ... cheers, drl


SAy the sample file is (actual file size is big 15 MB)

and i am doing an egrep for the patterns abc, bcd, cde and i need to print the matching lines just three times per pattern.

egrep -i "abc|bcd|cde" file.txt

output should be limited to

Even though multiple lines matching the pattern i want only three matching lines per pattern from the entire file(Size is bigger).

If it can be achieved through awk pattern search , is also ok. Like having the patterns in a file and reading that file in a loop and using awk to limit the number of lines to print for each pattern.

i have used

egrep -i "abc|bcd|cde" file.txt | head -10

but this will limit the output of other patterns if first pattern itself came first for 10 times in my source file.

How about

awk 'match ($0, PAT) && ++T[substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)]<4' PAT="abc|bcd|cde" file2
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I am getting error.

bash-3.00$ awk 'match ($0, PAT) && ++T[substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)]<4' PAT="abc|bcd|cde" file2.txt
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

but works with nawk

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This is very limited and it works in this contrived case because the match is exactly the literal alternation of the regex. However, the purpose of regex is to represent patterns and they are not the exact literal. In order to give it a change each regex must be tracked on its own and each line must be check times the amount of regex.

---------- Post updated at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:14 PM ----------

In case that a visual aid is necessary.


You want three instance for each match. With the previously presented suggestion:

awk 'match ($0, PAT) && ++T[substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)]<4' PAT="[Aa]bc|bcd|cde" example.file | sort

Instead, this could be a more realistic three matches of a pattern.

awk '/[Aa]bc/ && a++ < 3; /bcd/ && b++ < 3; /cde/ && c++ <3' example.file | sort
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If you want to print lines from a file that match any of the EREs stored one per line in a file named ERES , but stop using an ERE after it has matched 3 (or whatever value you assign to the maxp variable) lines, you could try:

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v maxp=3 '
FNR == NR {
{	for(ere in eres)
		if($0 ~ ere) {
			#printf("L%d matched %s: %s\n", FNR, ere, $0)
			p = 1
			if(++eres[ere] == maxp) {
				delete eres[ere]
				#printf("%s maxed out: left: %d\n", ere, neres)
p {	print
	p = 0
!neres {exit
}' ERES file.txt

If the file ERES contains:


and file.txt contains the sample data you provided in post #4, the above code produces the output:


Note that if an input line is matched by more than one of your EREs, that line will only be printed once but each matching ERE's match count will be incremented. And, the output will be in the order of the input text file; i.e., output will not be grouped by matching ERE as in your sample output in post #4. Note also that this code will stop reading file.txt as soon as all given EREs have been matched maxp times; with large input files the could save a lot of I/O.

Note that you can still use alternation in your EREs, but the limit on the number of times an ERE will be matched still applies. If the ERES file just contains your original ERE:


the output produced would just be:

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It works fine, if you find time, Please explain. What about case insensitivity for the pattern. How to incorporate in this code.

Here is a version of that awk script wrapped in a Korn shell script that adds command line options to specify the number of matches for each ERE, a simplified case insensitive ERE option, an option to name an alternative pathname to the file containing your EREs, and an option to print some debugging information while the awk script is running:

# Set default parameter values.
ci=0		# Case insensitive ERE matching: 0=no, 1=yes.
debug=0		# Print debugging information while running awk script.
EREfile=ERES	# Pathname of file containing EREs to be processed.
maxp=3		# Maximum # of matches to be printed for each ERE.

# Function to print usage message and exit.
Usage() {
	printf 'Usage: %s: [di] [e file] [-m count]
	-d	Enable debugging statements in awk script.
	-e file	Pathname of file containing EREs to process (default: "ERES").
	-i	Perform case insensitive ERE matching.
	-m max	Maximum number of times to print matches for each ERE in the
		ERE file (default: 3).  Setting max to 0, allows infinite
		matches.\n' "$IAm" >&2
	exit 2

# Parse command line options to override defaults.
while getopts de:im: opt
do	case "$opt" in
	(d)	debug=1;;
	(e)	EREfile="$OPTARG";;
	(i)	ci=1;;
	(m)	maxp="$OPTARG";;
	(?)	Usage;;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
then	Usage

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v maxp="$maxp" -v caseinsensitive=$ci -v debug=$debug '
BEGIN {	# Before reading any lines from either input file, define the following
	# variables for later use in this script.
	fmt[0] = "[%s%s]"	# Use this format to add upper and lowercase
				# characters to the case insensitive ERE when
				# we are not in a bracket expression.
	fmt[1] = "%s%s"		# Use this format to add upper and lowercase
				# characters to the case insensitive ERE when
				# we are in a bracket expression.
FNR == NR {
	# This clause is performed only for lines read from the 1st input file
	# (where the number of lines read from this file (FNR) is equal to the
	# number of lines read from all input files (NR).  The 1st input file
	# contains the EREs to be processed on this invocation.

	# Are we performing case insensitive searches?
	if(caseinsensitive) {
		# Yes.  Convert any alphabetic characters found outside a
		# bracket expression or inside the 1st level of brackets in a
		# bracket expression to include both the uppercase and the
		# lowercase versions of that character.  This makes several
		# assumptions that might or might not be true in your
		# environment:
		# 1  There are no square brackets in your ERE except the
		#    opening and closing "[" and "]" in a bracket expression or
		#    in a collating symbol, equivalence class, or character
		#    class expression; except for backslash escaped square
		#    brackets outside of a bracket expression.
		# 2  Alphabetic characters inside in a collating symbol,
		#    equivalence class, and character class expression should
		#    not be modified.
		# 3  An equivalence class expression (e.g. [[:lower:]]) should
		#    not be modified to also match characters in another case.
		# 4  Any character following a backslash outside of a bracket
		#    expression should not be modified.
		# 5  There are no range expressions in a bracket expression
		#    where either endpoint is an alphabetic character.
		for(i = 1; i <= length($0); i++) {
			if((c = substr($0, i, 1)) == "\\" && bc == 0)
				# We have a backslash outside of a bracket
				# expression.  Pass this character and the next
				# through unchanged.
				c = c substr($0, ++i, 1) 
			else if(c == "[")
				# We have an opening square bracket.  Increment
				# the bracketing count.
			else if(c == "]")
				# We have a closing square bracket.  Decrement
				# the bracketing count.
			else if(c ~ /[[:alpha:]]/ && bc < 2)
				# We have an alphabetic character that is not
				# in a collating symbol, equivalence class, or
				# character class expression.  If we are in a
				# bracket expression replace it by its uppercase
				# and lowercase versions.  If we are not in a
				# bracket expression replace it with a bracket
				# expression containing its uppercase and
				# lowercase versions.
				c = sprintf(fmt[bc==1], toupper(c), tolower(c))
			# Add the character(s) converted to the output ERE.
			ere = ere c
			printf("D:ERE \"%s\" replaced with \"%s\".\n", $0, ere)
		# Set the input string to the modified versions and clear the
		# modified version in preparation for the next input line.
		$0 = ere
		ere = ""

	# Add the original or modified ERE to the array of active EREs and
	# increment the number of active EREs.
		printf("D:%d active EREs: Added \"%s\".\n", neres, $0)

	# Skip the remaing steps in this script and read the next line from an
	# input file.
{	# This clause processes lines read from the 2nd input file.

	# For each remaining active ERE in the array...
	for(ere in eres)
		# see if the current input line matches this ERE...
		if($0 ~ ere) {
			# it does.
				printf("D:Line %d matched %s: %s\n",
				    FNR, ere, $0)
			# Set the flag to print this line.
			p = 1
			# Check to see if this ERE has matched maxp lines...
			if(++eres[ere] == maxp) {
				# it has.  Remove this ERE from the active
				# array and decrement the number of active EREs.
				delete eres[ere]
					printf("D:%s max hit: EREs left: %d\n",
					    ere, neres)
p {	# Print lines that were matched by at least one active ERE and clear the
	# print flag for the next line.
	p = 0
!neres {# If the number of remaining active EREs is zero, we are done; exit
	# instead of continuing to read the remaining lines from the 2nd file.
}' "$EREfile" file.txt

Although written and tested using a Korn shell, it should work with any POSIX conforming shell. The limitations on the case insensitive ERE processing are detailed in the comments in the awk script.

Does this help?

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