Eeprom security-mode=command cause invalid login

Hi there,

In Solaris 8.
I have accidentally set the eeprom security-mode=command because I followed the CIS benchmark guideline. Initally, it was eeprom security-mode=none. I have tried to login with the correct password numerous time and it still say permission denied.
I have tried to login via the base PC however it still says Permission Denied. There was no way I can change it back to eeprom security-mode=none

I have tried this for hour..

What hardware are you using?

The eeprom password is separate.
Before setting security-mode=command you must set it with security-password=yourpw .
A standard system boot does not require a password. If it works, as root you can set the eeprom password like this

# eeprom security-password=yourpw

The "eeprom" command should work on all Solaris/SPARC.

Hardware wise it looks like some Sun Solaris server chassis.

Well... We'll need that a little more specific. If a password is set and you lost it, you might need to reset the OBP. To know which server you are using will help to lookup the procedure. Otherwise try the tips from post #3!