DVD-ROM on Solaris 2.6

Netra T1 running Solaris 2.6 with following DVD installed:

c0t6d0 Soft Errors: 131 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: TOSHIBA Product: DVD-ROM SD-M1401 Revision: 1007

I know the cdrw command isn't in Solaris until version 8 and DVD is suppose to be udfs (not supported until Solaris 7) but is it possible to write/copy files to this type drive?

Irrespevtive of the Solaris version if the output you posted is correct for the drive(correctly detected) by OS then no you can't do that. It appears to be ROM drive, not a R/RW drive.

Thanks - since I don't have any servers I know of that actually have a writeable DVD, I wasn't sure if that was something that could work or not.

Now, if that dvd was R/RW, is there a way in 2.6 to write to it?

Not natively, your own first post is correct in both respects. However I have a feeling that I have seen a reference to it being done with freeware tools, although that was possibly only for CDs. I'll have a look and see if I can dig it out.