Downloading Solaris 10/08 ?

hi there,

Has anybody else had any problems downloading Solaris 10/08 form the Sun web site ?

I have tried a number of times, at different times of the day, and have the same results each time.

Either the Sun Download manager times out after about 20 retries and I get nothing, or if I try a normal browser download, I select a location to save the file, and I get a zero legth file.

Am I doing something wrong ? - I have managed SDM downloads from the site before ..



Nope, I just downloaded this: sol-10-u6-ga1-sparc-dvd.iso . It works. Using IE

It can be difficult for 10 days or so at certain times to download a new Solaris release due to to volume of people doing the same thing as you. I have had the same experience in the past, and all you can do is wait and try again later.

I've had the same. I am using a proxy to access internet and I can't download the file in FF or IE (get 0 legth file). But I was able to download a couple months ago.

Then I tried to use my Sun work station (same intranet, same proxy) and guess what, it is successful.

i downloaded the x86 platform normally :smiley: