Downloading JDK - Different types / downloads ?

Hi all

I need to update the current jdk_1.5.0_11 to a higher version, as requested by other developing house.

However, looking on the net / sun's site, whats all the differences between jdk with javaFX, or Java EE or java SE ?

Im assuming that you can download a base developer kit, and all these other ones are the basic install with additional packages ?

Correct ?


Yes right..
JavaFX - for Mobile
J2EE - Java2 enterprise edition
J2SE - Java2 Standard edition

I have never downloaded the JDK + JavaEE bundle, which contains GlassFish. NetBeans is fine, but I don't use GlassFish, as I only use JBoss and Geronimo for JavaEE. So, even if you do JavaEE you are not required to get the JavaEE bundle from Sun (yet Sun expects you to, and their documentation are very much inclined toward GlassFish-based deployments, although probably not for Oracle after the Sun buyout).

Of course you may opt for the bundles if the combos satisfy your needs.

Cheers guys, thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

Incredible, your always helping me buddy and I do appriecate it. If I could, I would buy you a beer for all your help :slight_smile: